The Political Party Pooper Play Book (P4B)
Party Pooper Podcast
Closing Arguments From The P4B.
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -29:46

Closing Arguments From The P4B.

Plus putting FB friends in their place!...with love.

Stick around for a special announcement. And there is a video embedded after the links.


Poll Comparison

I said in Episode 51 that we would look into past poll performance to divine how the Donald might do this week. Well, here is a snapshot from 3 days out, Trump vs Joe Duh and BJ Bill’s wife in battleground states. Keep in mind, Trump won Michigan and Wisconsin in 2016.

Almost all states finished closer than polled. The polls this year, if we are to believe them, are closer in the keys states than previously. All Trump has to do outperform in one or two and the election goes to Trump. But outperform has to include thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of “groomed” or harvested ballots, and dead people and illegals voting. In the blue wall those numbers WILL be very high.

Here’s the trend line. Definitely pro Trump.

And here are two polls at three days out that have slightly conflicting, but pro Trump numbers.

For details on second poll go to RCP at this link.

So, what are the betting houses saying 3 days out?

The daily trends have been all over the place. But the overall trend lines favor Trump. Three days out, all the betting houses favor Trump in the link you’ll find at the red button. As I write this odds are tightening. One has to wonder if Kammy fans aren’t throwing money down and praying.

Betting Houses Trump v Kammy

If the polls are accurate, Trump wins. BUT that doesn’t mean you don’t have to vote. If you haven’t voted yet, take a day tomorrow or at least take a few hours off and get to the polling station. A Trump win relies entirely on strong turn-out. The Dems are saying the same thing, but in reality, low turnout will be a win for the Dems. So vote.

Don’t be party to the destruction of the Constitution (or what’s left of it).

How much play can this post get before tomorrow afternoon? It’ll be a lot, if you share it.


There are few aspects of the Constitution that haven’t been abused to the point of uselessness by the political whores. Among these are the independent judiciary (on shakey ground already), and the electoral college. Kamala Harris and many if her ilk have stated plainly that they will pack the court, given the chance. They can’t worm their way out of it. They’ve stated it in this election cycle.

As eluded to above, Kammy has a laundry list of hard stances she has pretended to abandon in order to be elected. Rest assured, if we desecrate the White House with her occupancy, all those things, gun control, medicare for illegals, free college for illegals, social security for illegals, tranny surgery for illegals and convicts… the list goes on. And they will all be front and center in a Cackles Administration.

So yes, she will pack the court and try to push term limits and congressional oversight over the courts. This will end all impartiality of the court. Judges will be turned into political whores, as Senators were with the 17th Amendment.

So, with Kammy in the White House, say goodbye to justice in this country.

If you watch MSNBC or CNN or read any major newspaper you won’t know any of the above. From the minute they were ordered to support Kamala, they abandoned their long-held views of her complete incompetence and obediently followed orders. The result is you know nothing of substance of this woman. She and her handlers have been exceedingly careful to keep you totally in the dark.

And what of that pesky old electoral college?

Well, that is one of the last things that keeps the locus of power closer to you than in the hands of some bureaucrat in Washington DC. It is the reason you should consider citizenship in your state more important than your citizenship in the United States.

As I have said before, if they get rid of the electoral college and you don’t live in the Northeast or on the west coast, you have had your last say in how ANYTHING works in this country. And the status of your state will be reduced to a decoration, an illusion. Your state will have no power. And THAT is why big government, central planning, regulation monkey Dems want to get rid of the electoral process we have now.

Why do you think politicians, who hate having to shake your hand and travel around ASKING for your vote, call the middle of the country the big empty or fly-over country. It is because without the electoral college NO ONE would go there to campaign. The only places that matter to the beautiful people are the coasts.

People say that with the electoral college our votes don’t count. These people don’t understand that when they vote for POTUS, they are coming together as citizens of their state to give their state’s blessing to the one who gets the most of their votes IN THEIR STATE. Your vote is, and should be a vote to give voice to your state. IT IS THE POWER of YOUR state. What the citizens of another state think is not your concern. What is good for your state? How can you get your GOVERNOR to do the things YOU want him to do? Those should be the real questions on your mind. Not what a pack of jackasses in DC will do.

Single issue voters, those who lack the intellect to see the bigger picture, are also keen to get rid of the electoral process. They think it’s a good thing to vote directly for one political whore who has promised stuff they likely can’t deliver. And if that person loses, the single issue voter thinks they’ve been deprived of something legitimately theirs. This is an absurd view based on ignorance central planners in the federal government want to cultivate.


People who don’t live in few large population centers who say get rid of the electoral college are saying, “Use me. Pander to me. Then ignore me entirely after I’ve voted for you. AND THEN COME BACK IN A FEW YEARS AND DO IT AGAIN.”

To be certain, it is not just Lefties who entertain this nonsense. There was a time, late in the ‘16 election when it looked like Trump had a path to the popular vote, but not the electoral vote. My friends on the right started making noise about abandoning the present electoral process. They were just as short-sighted as Lefties who say the same. For fear of losing one election, they are willing to render all future elections a sham.

Don’t fall for this. If you’ve gotten this far with me you are too smart to ever be played by such talk again. Explain all this to the next person you hear talking about giving ALL the power to political whores in DC. Or just show them this post.

Speaking of falling for things…

I just got off the phone with my brother. We discussed election day. He has friends who are voting for Kammy. The reasoning process behind it is mystifying. But Marty’s comments were spot on. Paraphrasing:

Okay, back off and and view the situation form 1000 feet up. Get the wide view. She had no policies. It’s all gibberish. Stuff you promise other students when your running for student body president in middle school.


How do you get past 11, 12, 13 million illegals pouring across your border? Or the disorganized rout from Afghanistan? Just take either one of those! There IS no second issue! That IS as bad as leaders can be! And Kammy claims to have been at the center of it all, shaping policy.

We know Joe wasn’t. He was on Pluto. So, was Kamala running the show? If so she lacked the legitimate authority AND she did a shitty job of it. She wrecked our cities. She got us chased out of a medieval dump. Or was someone else running the show and she went along with it. They REALLY didn’t have legitimate authority! And not a peep from our VP!!

So, as Marty says, THERE IS NO SECOND ISSUE TO TRY TO CLING TO! There’s no getting past that.

Then there’s Trump. I call him the visionary Face Man. As a business man he looked at his resources. He figured how to get investors, and then he pointed the direction. When the deals were being finalized he’d be at the golf course, or the Playboy mansion, or where ever the “mark” wanted to go. Trump was wining and dining, sharing the vision, while Trump’s crew were hammering out the specifics with the “mark’s” people.

That boys and girls is what the President is. The President provides the vision, weighs it against the authority Congress gives him (or he should), he sets the goals and points. He then trusts his people to carry out the vision. The CEO doesn’t check to see if scrap had been picked up from a construction site. And POTUS doesn’t drive around enforcing EPA regulations.

As for what Trump will do, we know already. He did it. He set the country on a upward path. Every demographic and income level benefited. COVID threw a wet blanket on it and the Dems kept our states and our economy shut down for almost two years. Then we started up again with the same upward trajectory until Joe shuffled in. The vision thing works. That’s what the Donald will do again.

What will Kammy let the Cabal get away with if she’s titular president?

The Left’s biggest sucker punch.

Out of pure desperation, Kammy, Tampon Tim, and a chorus of media fluffers have been screeching about Trump being a fascist, Nazi, etc. It’s stupid and one feels empathetic embarrassment FOR them.

But one issue has had some real staying power. It’s a false issue, but when delivered with such emotion and outright deceit, as it has been since Dobbs, some people get roped in. If you saw Moochelle Obama’s speech, you’ll know what I mean. Listening to her diatribe, you’d think all men who don’t support Kammy want women to die of brain tumors or carbuncles. If you can’t get an abortion on demand any time you want one, that means there is NO women’s healthcare whatsoever.

So let me state some hard, irrefutable facts. Abortion is not banned in this country. Period. Some states have limits, some have heavy limits. None have bans. The bans being considered will not survive the first court challenge. In every case, if activists were honest and serious, THAT is where they would be putting their efforts right now; their state houses. But most of the banter you hear around the presidential election is NOT honest or serious. It is just more emotional pot stirring about an issue that neither candidate can address as president.

Every single woman who wants an abortion in this country can have one. In some cases she may have to go to a neighboring state to do so.

And no, the girl who now famously traveled from Georgia to North Carolina didn’t die because she had to go out of state. She died because she already had underlying complications and a doctor gave her a pill and sent her on her way. These pills are not like taking an aspirin as some young girls have been told. They carry a risk of severe complication and even death. And the abortion industry insists you be able to get the drug and take it by MAIL ORDER! Talk about wanting women to die.

So you may have, in very few instances have to travel to have an abortion. And you should never have that much upset in your body without a physician present. BUT YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN KILL YOUR BABY IF YOU EVER WANT TO. So my question, considering all the wailing on the subject is how convenient does your abortion have to be before you set the issue aside and focus on the big picture?! Your world is balancing on a precipice. On one side there are all your basic rights (killing babies is still up for debate as a right - which means it’s likely not a right, but an indulgence). On the other side is insane government controls, spending and interference in your day-to-day life. That side is run by cronies, for cronies - not for you. The cronies own ALL the politicians on the Left and some one the right. Mitch McConnell comes to mind.


Focus on what is going to effect you every day. Debate things like abortion with your state houses. The people in Washington DC have gathered unchecked power unto themselves. You can at least count on one candidate to stand athwart that reality, and it ain’t Kammy! She was APPOINTED as the “nominee” by THE CRONIES!!!!! DON’T BE A SUCKER!

KBF has me working overtime this week.

It is not uncommon, in a Facebook “discussion” for people to go nuts with their thumbs and fill every comment with a laundry list of statements and complaints referring to a post which makes only ONE reference. I usually blow these off. Volumes of words and unrelated subjects does not make one right.

But KBF is an exception. We’ve known each other since 2014, maybe earlier. So I make an extra effort with her. Her latest dust up centers on me calling Kamala a DEI hire. I also said we were 100+ days into the Kamala appointment and she had yet to do a press conference. I have frequently specified a real one, unscripted, open format with follow-ups.

KBF asked if I realized how OFFENSIVE my comments were. Well, why would I. DEI is the gosple of the Left. Merit is secondary. In Kamala’s case merit wasn’t even important. If a party wants to push DEI to the point where they insist on indoctrinating our kids with it in school, if they have companies like Harley-Davidson holding re-education camps for white men only BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE MEN, then anything that smacks of DEI should be celebrated by the Left. When someone says X was a DEI hire, the Lefties should all be patting themselves on the back.

The Left has not a care for what non-merit hires, based on race, sex or gender bending, on the part of any organization does to the “protected class” members who WERE actually hired because they ARE the best. In fact in conversation you will find the Left will pretend there is no such a thing to even be considered; wildly obtuse.

KBF was half right on one fine point. The meme in question said Kammy was hired based on gender and race. My opponent defied me to find Joe actually saying he would pick his VP based on those “qualifications”. Joe DID say his SCOTUS pick would be a woman of color. THAT is a rock solid DEI HIRE - gender and race. Whether or not Brown does a good job or not, it’s not looking good so far, she will always have that asterisk - hired for skin color and a vagina. She’ll have a second asterisk for not being able to say what a woman was. When the trans fad finally fades and we try to repair the damage done to so many young people, Brown will look really stupid for that. Had Joe NOT made the STUPID statement that he’d hire in a sexually and racially condescending fashion, there would be one less asterisk except in the minds of the most hardcore opponents.

In Kamala’s case, Joe announced he would pick a woman for VP. So going in the only qualification needed was a vagina. Immediately the hue and cry went up among the chattering classes that it MUST be a woman of color. Countless talking heads used the same ridiculous talk that the administration must look like the country. Joe did pick Kamala and would later add “of color” when praising himself for picking Kamala. The media repeatedly pointed out the brilliance of picking “a woman of color”. But since the FB post in question said both, I’ll award 1/2 point to KBF for remembering that announcement where Joe only said “woman” when referring to his VP pick. That still makes it a DEI hire. And there are an army of women out there who would have been a far better pick than Kamala.

BUT… B. Hussein Obama, peace be upon him, could not have counted on those intelligent women to sit back and watch the cabal run things. A strong, smart woman wouldn’t have been satisfied working under a president sitting in a corner with a crayon.

From her first public appearances with Biden through July of 2024, Harris was a punchline. She was HATED by the people who worked for her. Over 90% of the staff leaving. NOBODY in the media or Dem party had Kammy on even a long list of possibles, should Joe finally be shown for the Jello brain he’s been since at least 2019. Then she got the nod from a nebulous cabal, and immediately the media and tribal drones across the country declared their love and devotion to her. She was still the same dipshit she was the day before the coup.

These are the facts and they are not in dispute, unless you are a hopeless doctrinaire.

But wait, there’s more.

The other half of our disagreement was over a dearth of press conferences. There was one on 27 Oct that was such a non-event it was barely mentioned. It was quoted in some news reports on minutea, but I never even heard about it. And it doesn’t rise to the level of a real press conference. Having been generous with points on my previous call, I will disqualify this staged event as a press conference. The players were all arranged, the entire event was 7 minutes long and 5 of the 6 questions were puffballs. The only attempt at a follow-up was shouted over by Kammy’s handlers.

It would surprise me not at all to find that the questions had been screened by handlers. I can summarize the entire charade here.

Opener: Lies like, “He talks about America being the garbage can of the world.” (Stupid people will believe that.) “Fanning the flames of hate and division…”. This from the campaign that calls their opponents Nazis, fascists, garbage and haters.” I will allow for stupidity more than villainy on Kammy’s part. Handlers write the words, she memorizes them.

Question 1: No answer. Little cackle.

Q2: 1st time buyers gimme. Little bit of stump speech. Then mention of “…what we’ve been [doing] for the last 4 years around fair appraisal values…”. They just made that up for the campaign; false talking point. “Price gouging” - perhaps the biggest single bullshit talking point of the Harris campaign. The gouging talks pre-date the hurricanes. Most recently, operatives like Carville have hinted that it was the hurricanes Kammy has been referring to. Joe has been trying to use this bullshit to explain his inflation since it started. If there is gouging, who is doing it? They can’t say because they are making it up. Load of word salad added on.

Q3: Turnout. confident.

Q4: Israel. Easy set up. Kammy repeats what we’ve been hearing throughout the campaign.

Q5: In-the-bag reporter labels disagreement with Kammy and Tampon Tim as “misinformation”. This shouldn’t even be called a legit question. It’s a stage prompt. “People are aware…eager to hear more details of my plan….” There are no details. She’s offered not detail one.

Q6: Polling. Sidestep. Word salad.

This wasn’t a press conference. It was a political ad in which the “media” knowingly participated. So my charge of not having a press conference still stands.

If KBF refers to the small, short tarmac gaggles as press conferences, I’ll be disappointed. Those are pre-arranged; “…you ask this and he asks that…”. And the candidates responses are scripted.

The only thing voters know for certain is that Kamala holds them in contempt and they are expected to accept it and vote for her - or be labeled haters, fascists, etc.

Kammy’s pretend press conference is embedded below the links..

Join Us for the Returns on Tuesday Night.

Ron and I are going to attempt our first live feed on Rumble tomorrow night. We hope to be up and running at 9 PM eastern. Do join us and participate in the discussion. The easiest way to join will be to go to Rumble and put TheP4B in the search line. Then bookmark the page and join us tomorrow night. We will also disseminate the show invite in as many places as possible.

This is our first big live shot.

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Tampon Tim and Child Mutilation


"65" concept explained



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