The Political Party Pooper Play Book (P4B)
Party Pooper Podcast
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OR...How to sound like an idiot while lying your ass off.

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I can only shake my head watching this great nation circling the toilet.  It’s hard to believe someone as debase and ridiculous as Kamala Harris has any traction at all.  That’s a testament to the collective ignorance and immaturity of about half of this country (if on is to believe the polls).

Two months ago, Harris was the last person on earth ANYONE wanted to remain as vice president, much less to be president.  She was an embarrassment.  She had a reputation for shitting on her staff.  I think she set a record for the number of people who left.  Her extemporaneous remarks are their own punchline.  NOBODY wanted her around.

BUT she’s easily controlled by her betters.  So orders were issued from on high and the media fell in line and obeyed.  She has been declared brilliant, joyful, quirky.  And Basement Campaign: The Sequel is underway.

She’s just okay on the teleprompter when she reads the words correctly.  She missed with “hospitility” and “price gaging.”  But we got her points, invalid as they were.

Her recent economic policy speech is a testament to her utter ignorance of economics and a very frank indication of where her betters (the cabal) wish to take the nation.

It was presented at a rally (?) where press and staffers far outnumbered the numbskulls who showed up a cheered for all the “gimmes” she is promising.  Price controls, money, money, money and an abortion in every pot.  But let’s break it down and see how it all shakes out.


She started by saying that building up the middle class as her defining goal.  She then proceeded to enumerate a grab bag of things ignorant people love, and all of which will utterly destroy what is left of the middle class in this country.  YOU GO, GIRL!

Harris spoke of creating an “opportunity economy”.  This is a worthless bullshit term that further demonstrates her ignorance.  Leave alone the fact the governments CANNOT create an economy of any kind and have no business trying.  We are a free market system despite the damage done by previous Lefty jackasses like her.  Any growth that has occurred in the last four years was despite the Biden/Harris record, NOT because of it.

But the term itself, “opportunity economy” sets a thinking person’s teeth on edge.  A free market is the ONLY economy that provides unfettered opportunity for EVERYONE.  A centrally planned economy (her proposal) stifles opportunity for most and provides it for a few.  I realize that every election political whores will use terms like this and make stupid promises as she did.  But that’s no reason to gloss over it.  She’s an idiot.

Trying to be our buddy, she said, “The bills add up…”. Well, no shit!  Kamala then went on to verify one of the many failures of the Biden/Harris administration - inflation.  These knuckleheads have done more damage to your finances than anyone!  More than Covid!  It was a direct result of their wild spending on things that turned out to be mostly green scams.  No value added to the economy, just fiat money washing through it - resulting entirely to China’s benefit (that’s where we buy almost ALL of the green scam shit).

“When I was in college,” she said, “I worked at McDonalds to earn spending money.”  I hope she wasn’t trying to sound relatable.  Her mother was a biomedical chemist for a big lab and daddy was a Marxist “economics” [The Economist magazine - no right wing rag, that - calls Donald Harris a combative Marxist.  Those are the worst kind!]  professor teaching people how to manipulate an economy for political purposes.  I suppose that’s where she gets her ignorance of true economics.

The point is, she had college handed to her on a platter.  Her parents were very well-off.  I guess you can give the parents a little credit, if she really did have to work at Micky D’s for extra cash.   Most kids take entry level jobs to PAY for college.

She told that story in order to tell us that “some of the people [she] worked with were raising families on that paycheck.”  There is so much wrong with this story.  She entered College in ’81.  Back then fast food was still ALMOST entirely a kids game.  That was, and is the business model.  You had a responsible young adult to manage the store staffed by teenagers.  It was an entry level job for them and thereby a way to sell food on the cheap.  That is the entire idea behind fast food!

If you are trying to raise a family on a McD salary, you shouldn’t have had those kids and the fast food job will NEVER pay for it.  And raising the minimum wage won’t get your there.  Everywhere the minimum wage has been raised ($20/hour in California), the entire economy, especially in the immediate area where the raises take place, float to a new, commensurate level along with ALL the prices.  It’s the minimum wage earner who shops at Walmart and eats fast food.  The big new raise is zeroed out in a few months.

If you left school functionally illiterate and are stuck in a McD job you have yourself to blame the Blue cities and teachers union to thank.  (Pssst.  Kamala is VERY Blue.  She’s Left wing lunatic blue, just like the human sludge that inhabits most city governments and school systems.)

It’s hard to believe there are people in the world who don’t get this. And again, she says people need to work two and three jobs to get by.  Many do.  Others are working their asses off with a specific goal in mind.  But the ones who do can, in part, thank Biden/Harris for being there.  It’s not the governments job to fix your situation.  They can’t.  It’s your job.  Go back to school. Learn a trade.

It’s Kamala’s “priority to bring down costs.”  Really?  When has the government ever succeeded in doing that?  And how is it the job of a central government to do so?  EVERYWHERE price and wage controls have been tried we ended up with less of what we want or need and hire prices.

Ron Cori and I were on Duke Brooks’ radio show over the weekend.  He spoke of people he knew from Eastern Europe in the bad old days of Communism.  They had price controls.  That left you with the black market or listening for rumors of which stores might get meat this week.  Then you were up before dawn to stand in line to TRY to get some decent food.

Harris continued her rant about the cost of food.  The answer to fix that is simple and two-fold.  First get off the farmers back with your Davos/WEF bitching about fertilizer.  People need to eat.  Second, adapt a REAL energy policy that not only allows leases, but doesn’t charge prohibitive lease production royalties and allow access to the leases without a mountain of red tape and permit difficulties.

In fact, and obviously, if we get our oil and gas industry back up to speed the cost of absolutely EVERYTHING will come down.  Productivity will spike.

While talking about inflation, Kamala used some rhetorical sleight-of-hand.  Bread and meat are up 50% since before the pandemic.  That, of course is a lie of misdirection.  Prices are up that high since after Biden’s inauguration.  And were driven that high by the “Infrastructure” Act and the “Inflation Reduction” Act.  Neither of which had anything to do with their names.


In fighting for consumers, KH claims she won $1B for consumers in California.  No she didn’t.  The money won in court went to the government and wasted along with all of California’s tax dollars.  “Consumers” got zilch.  Further, she didn’t do it.  Some hotshot DA, who by accident of timing was working during her tenure, did it.   No one thinks she was a good DA or AG.  She was carried from her first law job to where she is now.  Some people carried her so they’d be treated favorably by her, and others…well…they appreciated talents other than the practice of law.  Now the MSM carries her.  Disgusting.

She lied about all that to show how tough she is going to be with price gouging.  Again…so many things wrong.  Who is gouging?  They never name names because they can’t.  They are making up a retail boogie man to blame for their heinous policies.  She promises penalties for gouging.  There are already laws across the country against it.  Retailers will charge what the market will bear.   That’s why I pay $3.39 per gallon in Eastern Virginia, but my son pays closer to $4 in Philly.  Incomes are higher there.  So are business expenses.  The market will bear $4/gallon.  That’s not gouging.  It’s the cost of doing business.  But she and her ilk will turn you against the guy who provides your goods because Kamala is a political whore, like her Democrat predecessors.

Full disclosure: I oppose tariffs and subsidies.  I believe in the power of a truly free market.  We don’t subsidize our stuff so if you want to sell your stuff here, you don’t do it either.  If you tip the scale for YOUR businesses, ALL your stuff will rot on the container ships because it isn’t coming ashore here.  That said, I know what Trump was trying to do with tariffs.  He was charging tariffs on goods which are dumped or subsidized overseas on goods we also make.  The idea is to recover our competitive edge.

Harris characterized this as a de facto sales tax,  Meh, sort of.  But it’s not across the board and if people don’t want to pay it, they can buy American.  Didn’t Biden/Harris steal that line from Trump among many other things?  And if our stuff costs Americans $3900 more per year, that’s because the unions are overpaid and Diesel is too expensive. [Did you see that?  I capitalized Diesel.  See why here.]. But that was a made-up number, pure bullshit.

The shrew is going to “lower” drug costs.  Well, welcome to the party, sweetie!  EVERYTHING Biden/Harris did and hope to do with the drug companies was lifted entirely from Trump and far slower and less effective than Trump would have been.  He was the one railing for negotiations between Medicare and drug companies.  In fact, it was Biden who criticized these negotiation program they would later steal.

According to Willie Brown’s plaything, “we” (meaning BIDEN, she had nothing to do with it) lowered the cost of 10 more lifesaving drugs by 80%.  Uh-huh.  Well, you can’t get that kind of result without subsidies (meaning you didn’t cut the cost, you just transferred it) or price controls.  Both are deadly to the consumer.  They stifle productivity, competition and innovation.  Congress CAN change the generic drug window, but the other two methods hurt YOU.  So, Kamala is saying they fucked you and you don’t know it yet.

She complained about the opaque practice of raising drug prices.  First, she is speaking as someone who is utterly beholden to drug companies for their money.  She’s not going to touch those guys - EVER.  But the “opaque” practices across the medical and pharmaceutical sectors was put on steroids under Obamacare.

Cancel medical debt?  We already subsidize many billions of dollars of medical COSTS!  Cancelling debt is political whore-speak for I’m “GIVING” you stuff, never mind who I’m taking it from.  And if we just print the money then it doesn’t hurt anyone, right?

The woman who was least popular two months ago went on a bit of a tear with lies about her opponent at one point. 

To wit:

Trump wants to repeal ACA (Obamacare).

This is a half-truth.  Trump correctly wants to kill that monstrosity.  The Dem political whores pretend to believe he wants to stop there.  Just have no insurance.  And of course, there is no shortage of rank and file Dem drones who actually do believe this.  They believe everything the political whores tell them.

What Trump wants to do is get the government OUT of the insurance business and have REAL insurance companies create a range of policies, from catastrophic only, to concierge medicine, to everything is covered.  You buy what’s right for you.

Trump wants to go back to denying people with pre-existing conditions.

He never said that.  He never even implied it.  This is an outright lie.  But if YOU think no one should be denied based on pre-existing conditions, the issue can be dealt with in a one-page law.

Trump tried to cut Medicare every year of his term.

Here we have another outright lie.  Trump called on Congress repeatedly to save Medicare and Social Security.  He believes in privatizing it for people who are not near retirement age.  That WOULD save both programs.  But when people call for fixing these two pathetic systems, Dems and weak-ass Republicans want to close their eyes, cover their ears and, “Nah-nah-nah I can’t hear you!”

The fact is benefits were increased under Trump.

What Kamala called Trump’s 2025 agenda wants to end work on cutting the cost of prescriptions.

This is probably the most ridiculous lie she told through a speech brimming with bullshit. 

First, Project 2025 is not even on Trump’s radar.  He has his own agenda.  He always does.  And the GOP has its platform.  Those are what Trump is running on.  So, 2025 isn’t his thing.

Also, she lied about the Project’s agenda.  It wants to untuck the Part D insanity we are working under right now with market solutions and it wants - wait for it - REAL transparency, ya know, the kind Obamacare, run by cronies of the Left, doesn’t have.  They just lifted the transparency idea from Project 2025.  They did the same with no tax on tips and negotiating with drug companies.  They were both swiped from DJT.

But that’s just Kamala being Kamala.

This female political whore has never held a real job in her life.   She’s never had to meet payroll.  She’s been carried form one government job to another and through one election after another, since she was bouncing on Willie.  She left in her wake a swath of people who DO NOT like her, from Willie Brown himself, to Joe Biden, to Barry Obama.  And Barry knows she can be controlled.  She’s a dingbat.

And we already know based on the above and the fact that she lied about her role in this administration, and lied about Joe’s diminished mental faculties for years, that Kamala is laughably dishonest.


So, when she went on with her pablum about home ownership and pride in your work and how she can relate - she was again lying.  She had two PhD parents and has never worked since college.  She has no feel for your life AT ALL.

Such irony.  She talked about how big, bad companies were buying property and jacking up rent prices, sometimes colluding to do so.  Well, hello!  She’s talking about Vanguard and BlackRock and other member companies own the Davos/WEF cult.  They are also the biggest Democrat cronies.  They are the people doing what she was complaining about.  Do you think for a hot second she’s going to take them on?

The US government as home builder.

And she’s going to build 3 million new homes and apartments over the next four years. 


Our federal leviathan is no better run then the government of California.  Gavin Hair Gel decided to build apartments for homeless people, which turned out to be nice hotel rooms and $600K per unit!!!  I could build a 4000 square foot house for that - with an updated, luxury kitchen.

What do you think a pile of government apartments will look like after being inhabited for a few months?  To find out, look at the condition of Newsome’s projects next year.  They will be torn up.  The stairwells will stink of urine.  There will be prostitution and drug dealing.

Yeah, except for a few Potemkin developments, there will be no actual homes built.  This will be the government projects revisited.  No thanks, Boo.

I’m short on time.  But she talked about a tax cuts, which actually be credits, a bookkeeping stunt.  And her rants about the Trump tax cuts have been debunked repeatedly for years.

Understand this.  The imbecilic grab bag of goodies Harris promised in her middle school economic speech will ALL have to paid for with PRINTED money.  Explain to me how that helps you build out a middle class.

And don’t miss Roger’s book!

Erasing America, Friedman




"65" concept explained




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