The Political Party Pooper Play Book (P4B)
Party Pooper Podcast
Kristol Krap 3, PLUS Drones and Pretty Hair
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -22:21

Kristol Krap 3, PLUS Drones and Pretty Hair

Words mean things!

Before we get to the main event, a word about these goddamn drones.

I have two main concerns. First is that asshole, Mayorkas. Remember he is the guy who told you your border was secure while your nation was being overrun by criminal diseased illegals – completely unchecked. Now he says the drones are not a problem.

Right there is when I get worried. When Mayorkas speaks, Mayorkas lies. So, the drones are now definitely a problem from where I sit.

Also, we have semi-autonomous gadgets flying unimpeded wherever they wish, and we can’t counter that? It is at times like this I realize this much vaunted, highly technical military we are supposed to have is really amateur hour. If you don’t believe me, consider the FACT that the Chinese have several times been caught living in our military computer networks for up to years before being busted. And in at least one of those busts, we find there is nothing the military computer geniuses could do about it, so the Chinese bug remains in our systems.

No worries, right?

And an update

As this show was being outlined, Judge “Pretty Hair” Merchan has ruled that the conviction he demanded from his jury in the hush money case will stand. Consider the fallout from this and then tell me honestly, who is crazier, the average Trump voter or people like “pretty hair” who intend to maintain the worst legal malpractice in this century and extra four years because ORANGE MAN BAD?

History and law schools will rip this jackass apart. But he’ll be the coolest douche at the next trans fad fund raiser.

For details on how the conviction was arrived at see this post.


On to the Krap.

I have been remiss in my duties. I promised to get back to my Kristol Krap series weeks ago. But I have been working to get guests and dealing with other subjects. In the meantime, I’ve allowed Willy Kristol, snooty girl of the first order, to run rampant on the Interwebs unchecked.

Please forgive me.

I have to admit, keeping up with Kristol’s reams of bullshit would be a full-time job if I wanted to do it. I don’t think he can get through a day without venting his TDS and bending truth at least four or five times.

My source for spanking him was his X posts. They are easier to pick apart than essays like to one I’ll ping on today. But he reared his silly head in my feed today, so here we are.

In today’s episode we feature an article he cowrote with Jim Swift in the Bulwark’s Morning Shots. So this was load of snarky, girl shit was a TEAM effort!

The title alone should take your breath away!

The Most Alarming Development Yet

ABC’s decision to settle a defamation suit with Trump represents a truly ominous moment.

So, the premise is that ABC settled a defamation case before they’d be left looking even more stupid than they have been, and THAT is something we should see as ominous.

Funnier still is premise here implied demonstrates “authoritarianism” on Trump’s part.

Do you see what I mean? There is so much to pull apart and we’ve only begun to ping on the title and subtitle.

For some reason, there is a second subtitle just above a byline for Kristol only. The Societal Guardrails are Crumbling Too

We may get to that before we hit 2700 words, but I doubt it.

Some of you are wondering why I like to slap Willy around. Isn’t this show about liberty? How is this germane?

A fair pair of questions. First, the show hinges on the theme of liberty. Primarily, that involves my liberty to discuss anything I want. It’s my show. If I thought she was interesting, I’d have a stripper come on and discuss her work.[1]

But, part of being a free society, if it is to remain free, it taking down butt hurt idiots like Bill, and their misleading rhetoric whenever we find it. Here, we have a man who made his name as an articulate commentator reputed to be coldly calculating in his assessments and assertions. With a rep like that, people tend to listen.

So, when someone like that is in the public square saying stupid things there is potential for him to do serious damage to public discourse. And that, by my lights, has been the biggest hindrance to regaining a healthy Republic. Such low-rent, phony intellectualism is the reason we have a trans epidemic. It’s why people actually believe Modern Monetary Theory is valid. It’s why our most unpopular VP in history went from being a punchline to a “great” presidential candidate overnight. It’s because of the same false intellectualism she had go back to being a punchline four months later, again overnight.

So, when people like Kristol and Swift conflate issues, and use emotion and hackery to muddy the political waters, anyone who spots it has an obligation to spank them.

And yes, I’ll admit it, I intensely dislike the snooty, ivy-league, elitist crybaby Willie has become. He was always snooty. But he used to be gutsy in a more manly way. Now he just desperate to be liked and accepted by the people he perceives as the cool kids. He’s like Liz Chaney, another butt-hurt neo con, without her manliness.

There was only one reason ABC settled their suit: depositions. The judge ruled last week that the Donald would have to be present during discovery. Hell, it was his lawsuit. The defendants were likely counting on Trump bailing at that point, getting the suit thrown out. Trump disappointed them. And that was the point where they knew they were going to lose – badly.

They would have looked stupid in court trying to say that calling Trump a rapist is okay because some people have a much wider view of rape than the statutory definition a court might use. I suspect they also had some texts and emails that would at least make Little Georgie Stephanopoulos look reckless or vindictive in his public insistence that Trump was declared guilty of rape. They may not have reflected well on Little Georgie’s staff.

Note: If you think I am being too cavalier, considering the subject, be patient, we’ll get to that.

Two paragraphs jump out at you from the start. Here’s one.

Carroll had alleged that Trump raped her in the mid-1990s and that he defamed her when he denied her claim. In 2023, a jury found that Trump had sexually abused Carroll, and ordered that Trump pay damages, though it did not find that Carroll proved the rape allegations according to the New York penal code.

Only in New York is such shit considered justice. And it’s only considered justice when the political whores on the bench and DA’s office really, really REALLY hate Trump. She claims he raped her. He says he didn’t. She sues him for defamation, unable to give a day, date, even a year of the allegation. She was even a bit fuzzy on the time of day. In any legit court, criminal or civil, that would have been enough to get tossed out.

We find the plaintiff is full of shit, but we find against DJT anyway. Neener neener! Amazing!

The nonsense carries through the next paragraph. This is the neener neener part.

Subsequently, when dismissing Trump’s countersuit against Carroll, U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan explained from the bench that the claim of rape was “substantially true,” noting that New York’s legal definition of “rape” was “far narrower” than how the word was commonly used.

Kaplan shows his TDS and bias in his own statement (Do these people even hear themselves talking?). In a court of law, any term expressed is restricted to statute. You can’t say a man committed murder, even though he described a fight with the term. “I murdered the guy.” But because people have a wider view of the term murder, I find the defendant guilty of murder for punching that guy sitting over there in the face.

One raped or one did not rape, and that is ALL you get to pass judgement on. And if Trump didn’t rape a woman based on the court’s specific definition of the term, and says he didn’t rape, the defendant in this case was speaking the truth.

But like when Judge Juan “Pretty Hair” Merchan instructed his jury to find Trump guilty, this was all seen as okay in New York.

So far, this is just being reported by Kristol. He wasn’t there. But this is what got Kristol’s panties in a bunch. Trump factually DID NOT rape anyone. But ABC settled because they said he did. And that according to Bill indicates that Trump is authoritarian? He says ABC settling indicated they were currying favor with an incoming president.

No, they weren’t. They were avoiding the embarrassment alluded to earlier. But Bill needs to create a false narrative.

Bill asks, What are corporate counsels are going to advise their clients to fight such lawsuits if mighty Disney won’t?

Well, Bill, I would HOPE lawyers would tell their media clients NOT TO LIE. There are standards that must be met when reporting. You have to be sure of what you are saying and that it is true. When in doubt, don’t say it. When your caught saying something careless, retract and apologize. That would be the minimum of what should be counseled.

What Bill is really asking is why can’t we just say bad things about the Donald and get away with it? It strikes me as I write the paragraph that perhaps Bill might be sweating some of the things he’s said about Trump. He should be.

Kristol sees all this as “bullying”. Really? So if ABC didn’t settle would that mean ABC was bullying Trump?

I’m moving along quickly because my word count is growing and I can’t get to every line of bullshit in this article.

Kristol is right about one thing. There are corporations and countries rushing to kiss Trump’s ass. Not doubt. Look at Canada. Justin left hickies in Trump’s butt cheeks.

Kristol is calling Trump’s success a protection racket. And he claims the next quote from Kash Patel is proof.

“We are going to come after you, whether it is criminal or civil. We’re figuring that out. But yeah, we are putting you on notice.”

First, this quote was not directed at the press in general and was not only referring to the media. Patel was speaking CORRECTLY of ALL the shenanigans perpetrated by people in a free-for-all effort to persecute and prosecute the Donald. Specifically, what he was saying is that if any of it is illegals – much was – he intends to come after you. And he should.

That’s not authoritarian. That is enforcing the law, as is required of the head of the FBI.

And, as discussed earlier, if people in the media defamed Trump inappropriately, they should pay the price for it.

For example, If Bill Kristol was president of the United States or just the worm he is today, and I announced in a bar that Bill Kristol touched my dick (Of course he didn’t. He might want to, but that’s not important right now.), he would be correct to sue me, no matter his station.


If you lied, as a member of the media, in collusion with people in the government to knowingly forward a false narrative, and I could prove it, both you and the officials involved SHOULD face criminal sanctions.

Then there’s this:

So what is at risk over the next four years is not just the corruption, the degradation, of the internal workings of government. What’s at stake is also the corrosive—the dramatically corrosive—effects of Trump’s agenda of intimidation and retribution on so many non-governmental institutions.

What intimidation? What retribution? So far, the ONLY thing we KNOW about such things is this. When DJT had BJ Bill’s wife red handed in 2016-17 for destroying evidence in pursuit of a political hoax and in the face of a federal investigation, he DID NOT pursue it. She’d have been in an orange jump suit if he had.

This year, when asked if he was going to seek retribution on those who went after him illegitimately, he said, “our success will be our retribution.”

So, the only evidence you have on this matter is that Trump has not and likely will not seek to punish anyone. Will that remain the case? It shouldn’t in my opinion, but we have zero evidence it won’t. Bill is making this shit up as he goes along. EVEN HE doesn’t believe a word of it.

Who has Trump intimidated? If Justin Trudeau FELT intimidated, it is because he knows he is less of a man than the Donald. That’s not Trump’s fault.

What Kristol is nakedly doing in this article is intentionally conflating Trump’s success in the polls and the pandering of sycophants showing up in Mar-a-lago with his charge of authoritarianism. That’s an old saw with Bill now. This is a complete non sequitur – and quite churlish. But it’ll play well among the dem tribal whiners.

In an effort to sound erudite, Willie closes with this:

The authoritarians’ ambitions are large, and they know what they’re doing. So far the liberals (using this term to mean the defenders of liberal democracy and a free society) don’t. So far, we are short of clarity of vision and of resolution and solidarity in action.

As always, I return to the guidance of the wise Burke: “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”

Are we to seek our clarity of vision from a silly, butthurt, elitist like you, Bill? I see no clarity from you. I see only a political agenda, and a weak one at that.

Among the Dem party and the RINO’s arrayed against Trump, I see NO defenders of liberal democracy and free society. I see only censors and ankle biters, none of whom are the least concerned with truth or liberty or law.

Bill, you are a drama queen and you make a mockery of yourself.

Let’s discuss terms

Earlier I mentioned speaking loosely about rape. The offenders here are the press, the courts and E. Jean Carroll. Carroll had a host cutting to commercial because she said people found rape sexy. Who but a sexual misfit would say such a thing, and what should we think of her credibility outside of a NEW YORK courtroom?

And of Carroll and the court, when you make a semantic circus of the term you do incalculable harm to women who have been raped and come forward. Remember, a court who will make something that is not rape into rape, because they don’t like the accused, will make rape into less than rape if they don’t like the accuser.

All rapes are a form of sexual assault. But not all sexual assaults are rape. Some can be quite benign, but because of STATUTE, may often be treated as criminal. But the chasm between the most minor concepts of sexual assault and RAPE must be respected. Bill pretends not to know this in order to forward his I Hate Trump campaign.

And what are the societal guardrails Bill says are crumbling? Would it be people playing with terms like “rape” as a form of lawfare? Would it be elitists playing word games in an attempt to undermine the legitimate government?

Our experience in the last few years would imply the societal guardrails that Kristol would endorse are those imposed on us by censors and corporate cronies. They tell us what we can and cannot say. None of those “guardrails” have anything to do with the truth as discussed above, but with advancing an agenda and silencing critics.

Trump doesn’t do that. He spends more time with the media in a week than Joe Duh and Cackles spent in the last year combined.

If we are to have a real and healthy Republic, it’s important we all know when we are being played by the blob, of which Bill Kristol is a member.

[1] Are there any interesting strippers out there with political or economic acumen?

Jury instructed to find Trump Guilty!

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