The Political Party Pooper Play Book (P4B)
Party Pooper Podcast
Michael Caine Documentary - AND - The UN Strikes Again!
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -20:06

Michael Caine Documentary - AND - The UN Strikes Again!

Bend over. The UN is has voted to backdoor you AGAIN! The Cabal is okay with that.

Tip Jar

Before we get to it…the P4B celebrated a new sponsor last week. It’s The Hero Company. They are a company that definitely deserves your support, and you will benefit as well. I’ll lay it out for you in the words of the founder.

Many, many Veterans returned home with serious trauma from war. This Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) drastically changed their lives and way too many have taken their lives battling this force alone. With no VA funding for service animals, many Veterans just cannot afford the cost of the trained dogs that they need.

With this in mind, we launched The Hero Company to fund service and companion animals for these Veterans suffering with PTSD at ZERO cost to them. It is our way of fighting for our Heroes here at home. To date, we have raised over $1,500,000 dollars and will continue as we march towards our goal of $10 Million raised for Veterans in need.

Buying from The Hero Company isn't a small act - it is intentionally being a Hero for our Heroes who need our help now. Thank you to all of you who have jumped in- we couldn't do this without you. Marshall Morris

Marshall Morris

There will be a huge link below the audio line for The Hero Company. Be sure to check out what they have available for you and consider becoming a VIP member. It’s only $4.99 per month. I joined with my first order. As a result, I got a discount on my coffee and “Never Forgotten” bracelet and a freebee tossed in. So be a hero for a vet today.


Be the Wolf

Share this, and all our stuff with liberals. Don’t worry about whether they’ll un-friend you. If they do, they weren’t your friend anyway. If you are a free market adult, I don’t need to convert YOU. I just need to talk with you. It is the Left we need to pull across. We need to show them how their own tribe will one day jack them up the way they do us right now. The premanent governing class doesn’t care about any of us, including their own drones.

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Two things collided this week to become grist for this segment.

The Federal Reserve, in a naked effort to carry the Harris/Walz candidacy, made a sudden and significant cut in interest rates. Most people cheered. On the surface, it would appear that Jerome Powell just might have put lipstick on the pig of an economy the Barry Obiden cabal has created.

But a lot of experts, people with real skin in the game, are not jumping up and down. They know that sudden precipitous cuts could spark inflation early next year. And among many other unintended consequences, it WILL contribute to the housing shortage we suffer from today. 1 They know that if the Fed succeeds in keeping Kammy afloat, and she actually wins, the Cabal will then double down on all the insanity they pushed last time around. All the reversals we’ve heard from Kammy will reverse again.

We’re still pissing hundreds of billions of already devalued dollars into the economy from the two Green scam bills passed by the Cabal and their drones on congress. ANY ONE of the programs Obama would order Kammy to pursue would push the economy over the cliff we just climbed, recovering from the initial assaults on us.

The economic assault was rooted in the breathy social justice or environmental justice nonsense tarted up as economic policy. That nonsense has been the engine behind ALL of Bidenomics.2 Along with the damage they intend will be a wealth tax (including unrealized gains). They will do nothing to fix the two biggest pigs in our system - Social Security and Medicare. They will take us on a spending/redistribution ORGY.

The obvious remedy to all of this is Donald J. Trump. While the Left is busy doing ANYTHING it takes to destroy every part of Trump’s life, they are still barely advancing Kammy’s campaign. So, they need a backup plan.

And last week, they got one. This news is what collided with the 50 BP cut by the Fed. The United Nations, the most ungrateful pack of assholes this side of either ocean, has decided, with the blessing of Obama’s third term, to do all the big redistribution on behalf of Kammy, if necessary… and in concert with her if she wins. In that event they’ll double the damage they’ll all do to the economy and YOUR life.

In Kammy’s case, taking even more from the makers and creating many more takers is still aspirational. There is a chance more American will wake up and grow up before they cast their vote this year; not a big chance, but a chance. I don’t care if you don’t like Trump. I’m not exactly a fan myself. But I’m not voting for his erudition and style. I’m voting to put America first. All other nations take the bus.

In the UN’s case, as you’ll read in this deceitful propaganda, what I am warning against is ALREADY a reality. They voted to take more from you and hand it to foreignors to create “better economic outcomes”. It will actually do nothing substantive, as we’ve learned every single time we’ve handed our cash to backward unstable countries.

But the level of propagandizing in the Context article is so intentionally convoluted, and so naive, your initial reaction might be to dismiss it as silly and childish. And it IS! But it is reality just the same. And the drivel in the article, redefining what a good economy is and how YOU are responsible for the success of another nation, is just cover for the UN’s redistribution scheme.

The money will be spent. The West, especially the US will be a little poorer for it. The project WILL fail. They all do. And the UN will be back again with yet another fairy dust program designed to take your money and give to backward, corrupt regimes.

Biden has allowed the UN to sponge billions more from us. We are told, by Context, it will improve people’s lives through more climate scams and magical wishes. And if the Dems get in, they’ll increase the rate of the stealing they’ve been practicing since 1913. None of this is even conjecture. The bullshit UN program was voted in by the international freeloaders over the weekend. And Kammy has told you she intends to wring you dry. Are you happy now?

Look, I have nothing against helping our fellow man. I have a BIG problem with being forced to do so. I most vociforously reject the idea of an organization like the United Nations that takes our money, with the blessing of our permanent governing class, and then works AGAINST our national interests at every opportunity. Adding injury to insult, this is the organization that let’s China sit on committees to fight “climate change”, and Iran to sit on human rights commissions.

We need to tell the UN to build their headquarters somewhere else. In the meantime, the present building would house a lot of illegals.

If our Republic wishes to help a foreign nation, I expect our representatives to exact a cost for the aid. Better education outcomes, no police state bullshit, actual free trade.3 Any nation can do that. We don’t need a world governing body to take a crowbar to our national wealth, then spit in our faces every day.

The challenge is that our nation has been indoctrinated to belive living your life for others is a good thing. It’s not. It is the recipe for keeping you AND others weak and stupid.

The Donald will have a laundry list of things to kill when he gets back into the Oval Office. But using the maximum authority his office allows to toss programs like the UN’s economic nonsense in the shitcan, should be very close to the top of the list. Perhaps it should be second behind purging the government of activist bureaucrats who thwart everything good for us and actively advance the politics of Democrat lunatics! This would have the added benefit of saving YOU money.


Michael Caine and the children of the sixties are still stroking themselves.

I recently viewed a well-made documentary obstensibly told from the perspective of Michael Caine and featured guests, narrated by Caine. Despite the “smirk” in this segment’s heading, I enjoyed the program. I like almost everything Caine has done since his stint as Alphie, trying to look cool in those birth control glasses.

The documentary format was a combination of history and personal anecdotes. Very entertaining. However, this show, like all shows about the 1960’s, is fraught with self-congratulations by folks who were young in that era. And it is, as always, wildly overstated.

Implied throughout, and arrogantly stated at the end, is the claim that the 60’s young’uns were the first generation to change the world of thier parents. They’re not. And they weren’t the last. This is just a fantasy they claim.

What they were, was the largest generation of teens and young adults ever. That’s thanks to what teens and twenty somethings did for generations before them, for better or for ill.

Every generation is filled with genius. That genius is almost always established when the REAL world-changers are in their teens or twenties. The rest of those brilliant lives are spent perfecting, expanding and/or marketing the fruits of the genius. The 60’s were no better or worse than the others, in this regard.

But what about art? The art driven by the sixties ranged from splashy to complete junk. The same people who think their existance then makes them somehow…better than everyone else, are also the ones who look at the worst of the 60’s dogshit on canvass and pretend to see something in it. Sadly, that is one trait which continues today. It is why the rich have dogshit hanging on their walls, and their rich friends nod and utter inanities like, “Yes, yes! I see the artist’s pain you speak of.”

What about music? Meh, I confess to telling young’uns they will never know cool like we knew cool - musically. And I believe that’s true. I also know the roots that spawned all that great sound were born over the previous decades. Without Muddy Waters, Louie Armstrong, Glen Miller, Elvis and Billie Holiday, there would never have been Beatles, Stones, Grateful Dead or Jimi Hendrix. But the decade was a fine move forward - musically. But that is just enterainment. And the whole generation didn’t create it. We just danced to someone else’s work.

What about fashion? Not even close. As I said, thanks to the sacrifices of three of the previous five generations of teens and twenties people, the 60’s kids were the largest cadre EVER. I think it was Caine who says everywhere you looked on a London high street, there were kids (young adults and teens). Yes, of corse that is what you’d see, Michael. We outnumbered everybody and far too many of our parents and grandparents died before 1945.

And as far as fashion goes, somebody famous (and slightly older, and a member of the - gasp - establishment), wore the first miniskirt, the first fur vest or whichever. Then directed by aging fashion mavens with blue hair, middle-aged, cigar-smoking dudes with hairy ears made the production and mass distribution of those fashions possible. We just bought them.

What about the peace movement? Yeah, right. That started among middle age academics. They were right to question Vietnam. That was our stupidest militray adventure among many. PLUS, it was as fashionable as the miniskirt to come out against the war. It wasn’t nearly as “brave” to take the position as it was for those who fought for isolationism in late 1940. And the modern old guy should come out and admit it. Peace rallies were also a great place to score pot and acid, and get laid.

I think the flower power generation thinks they are special because they were the first televised generation. They have constant opportunities to look back and marvel at themselves for having breathed in those days. And remember, they are the generation that brought us mass drug abuse, Hillary Clinton, the blue blood John Kerry, and the knob, Al Gore.

Quick Hits


Have you noticed? The green weinies have been fairly mum about the rainforest these days. Maybe it’s because we are now denudung the earth in search of nasty, cancerous shit for their stupid, polluting EVs?

I invite your comments below.

All praise and honor to Stephen Crowder!

As I scribble the words you now enjoy, I had Louder With Crowder playing in the background. He just said something that made me laugh. Then I laughed at half the nation.

The Cacklin’ Hyena has been endorsed by dick Cheney AND the Union for the IRS. Cheney brought you the Afghanistan and Iraq debacles, and the union represents the rights of over 100,00 people TO FUCK YOU! Who the hell are you going to vote for?

And have you noticed? Dick Cheney, only recently the worst human being in existance in the eyes of the value-less Left, is now their golden boy.4

Would-be assassins

I thank my personal god that the FBI says they had Trump’s shooter and shooter wannabe on their radar.

That’s a lie, of course. They didn’t. They should have. Number two has been interviewed by a bunch of outlets and is clearly number 10 dinky dao. The NSA and DOJ had them in their database along with everything about every other computer and cell phone owner in the United States. They were able to pull up and provide all kinds of interesting tidbits about these two bozos - after the fact.

It’s what they call intelligence gathering these days; hoover up terrabytes of information on EVERYONE, saying it’s for the greater good. Then you can pull it up after a lunatic acts out, or you can use it to destroy your political opponents. But it doesn’t do much for crime-fighting. There is just too much information for even the fastest computers to analyze.

Yeah, It’s the blackmail thing.

Remember, folks. The wolf never loses sleep over the opinions of sheep. We need more wolves, fewer sheep. Be the damn wolf.



SECRET SERVICE quoting Crabtree

Your economy is cratering. Under the next red button is the expert I referred to in this post, Patrick Bet David, guesting on Impact Theory. This is the short version. They provide a link to the full show.

When the banks will own you.

Footnotes below links

We’re celebrating our new sponsor, THE HERO COMPANY! Please support their mission to help match veterans with service dogs! $1.5 MILLION so far! Just click this banner to see all their cool stuff.

Foxhole Coffee Concentrate - Cold Brew Coffee, Perfect for Instant Iced Coffee, Cold Brewed Coffee and Hot Coffee
This is real coffee. There is no powdered junk. Just coffee.

The Hero Company

Tampon Tim and Child Mutilation


"65" concept explained



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No, Kammy building 3 million new units (they’ll be apartments, not houses) will NOT fix the houseing shortage. They will be slums and a waste of billions of dollars.


In truth, Bidenomics is just a continuation of Obamanomics. Remember that? 1% growth is the new normal. We will decide when you have enough. Takers are more important than the makers.


It would be nice if the US stopped our own police state abuses, such as weaponizing the DOJ and collecting every last digit of our information.


Don’t mistake the motivation for the comments here. I have met and like Cheney. But his splashy endorsement of Trump is just part of a very shallow family fued. He’s old. His daughter is a wom=an scorned, and he’s going to bat for her in a way that will hurt this nation.

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