The Political Party Pooper Play Book (P4B)
Party Pooper Podcast
Nudging Dan and Spanking Joe
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -34:28

Nudging Dan and Spanking Joe

It's been a weird week

This was supposed to be a quick hit. It grew.

I don’t like putting major shows so close together, but Biden’s speech was so dense with bullshit, I had to dedicate a real effort to picking it apart.

I like Dan Bongino. I enjoy his podcast. He’s a bit excitable, a bit dramatic. But his show usually bangs on all cylinders. But it’s time he and his sources (he talks of their 100% reliability often) put up or shut up.

If you’ve been with the P4B for a few months, you’ve heard Ron and I go on one tear after another about the Trump assassination attempt and the Jan 5 “bombing”. Ron was especially tuned into the DNC/RNC bomb plot.

This plot is more and more looking like pure staged bullshit. The FBI told us that cell data from the area was corrupted and couldn’t be used. But the Cell companies told us that this was not true, and they had all the evidence we need.

THEN, the FBI said yeah, we have the data, but there are hundreds of people who we have eliminated as suspects. The reason for their being cleared should be publicly detailed. Release a redacted list, verifiable through congressional oversight, with the explanation of why each one was “cleared”.

There have been more than 30 people who were excluded from investigation in the bomb plot. And one, who by tracking ad data can be traced to match the bomber’s movements perfectly – but they can’t find him.

So… it’s far beyond time that the FBI released the names of those excluded TO THE PUBLIC[1] with an explanation as to why they were excluded from investigation.

And the lone, prime suspect should be named in public as “a person of interest” (law enforcement does that all the time) so whoever knows him can tell the FBI morons where to find him and collect their half million dollars.

But why do I call for these measures? Easy. Because after the last 8 years of intrigue and outright crimes committed by our federal law enforcement LEADERS, these entities are no longer trustworthy until they earn back that trust. And the ONLY starting point now is to clear the air about the bombing and the second shit show, the Trump shooting.

To date, no one has been held to account for the record shattering incompetence on display in Butler, PA last summer. A no load, out there on the spectrum, climbed onto a roof, from an unguarded perimeter and successfully squeezed off three rounds, wounding a presidential candidate and killing a bystander. It was as if there had never been an advance team for the event. Their work was so INCOMPLETE that no other explanation exists other than someone wanted Trump shot…or that the Secret Service is run by utter idiots and needs to be rebuilt from the basic agent level and up.

So, Dan Bongino has said he knows the guys who have the answers. But he doesn’t want to out them. They know that security was either incomplete (the Trump shooting) or fucked with after the fact (the DNC/RNC bomber). They know that people in the Secret Service, in a position to speak out against the Regime have gotten bonuses, cushy transfers and promotions to keep them quiet.

Dan says he knows who these people are. Early on, it would be one thing if a guy who comes from the ranks of the Secret Service held his fire FOR A SHORT TIME, to give his buddies a chance to come clean or get the ball rolling to an honest conclusion. Well, Dan, that hasn’t happened. And as important as your radio show is to you, the truth in these matters is a lot more important! Fess up!

In fact, were you to do the right thing and guide competent people to the real shit elements inside the Secret Service and the FBI, your show would benefit. If you were to name names of real offenders, on the air, you would never have to worry about the standing of your show again.

But don’t kid yourself, Dan. There is NO HONOR in helping the coverup by creating on-air drama, claiming to have the goods on the bad guys and then sitting on it. Be a part of the solution, not part of the problem.

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Joe Duh ends his political life on a sour…but consistent note.

Let’s set the record straight right now. Joe Biden is a wall banging, window licking nonentity. He has been so since his handlers propped him up for the basement campaign in 2020.

As his “presidency” progressed, you could see which events he was juiced up for versus the ones when they let him run on empty. You’d have to come at me with blood tests from every event to convince me otherwise. And be honest, you’ve seen it too. You know I am correct. I was doing joke videos in 2019 and 2020 of his pathetic, over the top gaffes EVEN THEN.

“Everyone was born with the right…life, liberty…ya know…the thing.”

To a man in a wheel chair: “Stand up, Chuck! Oh, God love ya, what am I talkin’ about?”

“We can define America in one word: atkabakbinikaba…well, anyway”

And those gaffes we during the 2020 campaign!

In 2020, long after that wretch, Pelosi stopped telling everyone to come to Chinatown, and the Dork De Blasio (real name Wilhelm) stopped telling people to ride the subway, I listened live to Joe Duh accusing Trump of xenophobia for suspending flights from Europe due to Covid. “That’s no way to treat our allies!” he fake yelled.

Let’s face it, since his claims that desegregation would create racial jungles in the ‘70’s to his repeated and embarrassingly naked plagiarisms in the 80’s, Biden could be relied upon for nothing other than READING a good speech and saying stupid shit.

So, is there anyone left who believes Joe Biden even once was permitted by his puppeteers to act as Chief Executive and Commander-in-Chief? Of course not! For four years we have not had a legitimate president, even if you believe he won in 2020.

I say all that to say this. All his recent, twisted, dark speeches about “extreme MAGA” and “white nationalists” were bullshit, put into his mouth by other people. His Reichstag rally which desecrated Independence Hall in Philadelphia WAS the most egregious example…until this week.

“A free and independent press”, Joe? Really? This from the puppet of the Cabal that PAID social networks to squelch the words of journalists and private citizens alike, if they contradicted the Regime or the Cabal behind it. This from a Cabal that rested easy on the backs of a sycophantic legacy media who wouldn’t utter an unkind word about them until they were out of power.

Let me sidestep here in keeping with the bullshit nature of this pathetic last speech. How many companies have been created or rebuilt thanks to ANYTHING the Cabal did. The answer is very near zero. And the only ones who might have were cronies taking money from the government to do the government’s bidding with puff projects or union make work crap.

The fact is that all the private sector growth that occurred in this “administration” occurred DESPITE the best effort of this “administration” to thwart them. Any other growth happened in the hiring of busy workers in government.

There were so many government workers hired, post Covid, and pre-return-to-work that the government has nowhere to put all the asses. And yet they are doing nothing more for us than they did previously.

Right out of the B. Hussein Pretend Growth, Shovel Ready playbook, this Cabal has built not one new road that wasn’t already slated and paid for. I was there when Barry O put a “shovel ready job brought to you by” Barry O, on roads already under construction in and around Washington DC. Many of THESE projects were months or even weeks from completion, long since paid for, BEFORE the “shovel ready” sign went up.

In fact, in Springfield, Va, a project almost ready to open was held up for extra months to justify the new PR surrounding it.

How many roads have gone in near you thanks to Joe Duh’s puppeteers? I know. None. That was a lie Joe Duh read from the teleprompter. Don’t blame him. He’s clueless.

How many of you suddenly have affordable access to the internet? That line was pathetically mumbled, so you might have missed it. But even the slavish media has admitted (FINALLY) that $42 billion was given away to provide just that, and not a foot of fiber or one tower has been built over three years.

Is anyone’s water any cleaner than it was in 2020? Of course not! Nor will it be.

Annnnnnd again, with the lower prescription drug prices. That was started by Trump. We know this, right down the cost of the EpiPen, because it was a done deal five years ago!

Onshore manufacturing, “buy American” – again - started by Trump. “Buy American” was DJT’s mantra since 2015!!

Can someone tell me about the most significant gun safety law in 30 years? Because I know criminals can get any gun they want, any time they want. The goons they buy from don’t run background checks. They are the only ones who don’t.[2]

I know he hasn’t reduced violent crime to the lowest in 50 years. Is there a single moron out there that doesn’t know the violent crime reporting to the federal data base is voluntary? Big cities provide and deny the info based on the elevation of Dem candidates versus the need for good real estate reporting. But people ARE dying in the big cities, more than EVER thanks to the scum this idiot’s handlers allowed to ooze across our borders unvetted and unchecked.

Wow! Just fucking WOW! Let’s go back to the job thing again. Between last week and this week, with no new reporting, Biden’s teleprompter took us from 16 million to 17 million new jobs created in a “single term”. First, neither president nor his betters in a Regime, can CREATE a single job. AND, another economic truth, the more regulatory, the less jobs that can be created under such a Regime.

This Regime has seen the creation of NEAR ZERO new jobs. The vast majority of jobs we’ve seen numerically were returnees from the insane Covid lockdowns. Many of those will never come back because the small businesses the employees worked for no longer exist – again – thanks to insane Covid lockdowns (not a life saved).

There were a handful of companies who grew DESPITE the machinations of this Regime. The rest of the growth has been in crony companies carrying out crony projects like green scams. Then there was the maniacal government hiring that we mentioned earlier.

Okay, here we go. “I want the incoming administration to succeed.” We’ll see.

And, as if on cue, Joe’s teleprompter wants to warn us of a dangerous concentration of power among a very few wealthy people. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Their presence in the Swamp is the product of Vanguard, BlackRock, Amalgamated Bank, the Fed, the Davos/WEF cult. These are a small group of people with immense power and influence. He talks about an oligarchy. This is a guy who dropped the Medal of Freedom, now worthless tin, over the unworthy necks of the two most corrupt and amoral oligarchs in the Western hemisphere, Soros and BJ Bill’s wife. This is a man who has collected $34 million and counting from foreign oligarchs by way of his crackhead son. He will face no punishment for this and many other crimes BECAUSE HE TOO IS AN OLIGARCH!!

The “wealthy people” angle is clear. Musk and Vivek are wealthy. They have the ear of Trump. They didn’t ask for it. It was offered. But according to the “big guy”, that makes them oligarchs. But they are working for NO MONEY. And if they succeed, a lot of the efficiency they bring to the government could very well hurt their own bottom line. They are both heavily enmeshed with the government and government cronies. Take away the crony money and they hurt themselves as well.

This is where we’ll see if the two are corrupt. My money says they are happy in their lives. They don’t need to fleece anyone. We’ll see.

Buzzword: “Robber barons”. Not Biden nor 90% of adult Americans can tell you what the term means or who the “barons” were.


Biden claims that forcing the Robber Barons to work for their (oh shit, I can’t believe I have to utter these two bullshit words) fair share, is what led to the largest and most successful middle class in history. Read you goddamn history. Those terrible robber barons had already done that from pre-Civil war through 1900. The Teapot Dome scandal put a tiny hiccup into the process. Then people mostly forgot the whole affair. Certainly, government whores did. And the growth and generation of immense fortunes kept trucking right along. So did the growing middle class. NO government, certainly not the one run by this Cabal, can CREATE or GROW a middle class. It is an economic impossibility.

This was followed by the “fair share in taxes” bullshit. Joe, Barry, Nancy, Mitch, Chuck and the whole gang of political whores in DC, don’t give a tinker’s damn how much anyone pays in taxes. The code is almost entirely smoke and mirrors[3]. ALL they care about is their dirty share. If you, the middle-class guy pays 25% of income and Elon pays 28%, that’s unfair…for Elon. You both get absurd write offs. Many middle-class people, after deductions, have little or no effective tax rate to meet.

Do you want fair? Here it is. Everyone pays the same rate of INCOME. No write offs. My book goes into detail on this. If you’re not ready to give up your write offs, then shut the fuck up about someone else’s. Stop marking yourself as an envious piss pot.

Back to green scams. Let me know when your electric bill goes down BEFORE Trump’s programs take hold. You can bet that none of his programs will devolve to putting money in the pocket of that knob, Al Gore.

Like every Dem speech I cover here, this one has become a major bullshit story between every goddamn comma! Biden says he is fighting “climate change” without hurting the economy. ALL THE MONEY spent on these scams (windmills, solar farms, EVs, electric everything mandates) has gone straight into the pockets of people like that knob, Al Gore. Not even one of these green tinker toys has performed as advertised. And we lack the resources to continue to play with them. Also, every dollar pissed away on it all was printed. We didn’t have it to spend. AND THAT HURTS THE ECONOMY – PERMENANTLY!

THE LEFTY DRONE THAT WROTE THE SPEECH CITES NC AND CA as some vague proof of Climate change. This shows the bullshit of the claim OR incriminates the people in power right now, including Joe Duh. If you really believed the GW/CC bullshit, then you’d have been pissing your pants about the risk of wildfires in California, just to name one of the things they say is caused by GW/CC. Therefore, you’d have rented out your mother in order to prevent such an eventuality.

These political whores didn’t lift a finger to do that. In fact, they are so far from caring about climate change, they didn’t even look at the recommendations of people who know GW/CC is a scam, but also knew the undergrowth in California forests is 100 years behind the rest of the western world in terms of maintenance. The Left claims GW/CC is an existential threat. Joe Duh even read that off the teleprompter this week. But they did nothing to mitigate the danger.

Shhhhhh. That’s because they don’t believe it, any of it. They know the hockey stick graph was a sham. They know little Greta read from a script. And they don’t care about the people who got burned out of their homes.

Holy crap, the hallmark of any Dem speech is the amount of work it creates for an honest man to pick apart. And the lies come at you as if from a fire hose.

Some of the lies seem little, like saying we are by far the leader in chip manufacturing. That just sounds like rah-rah, go team nonsense until you discover the Dutch and Taiwanese, and now even the friggin’ Germans are way ahead of us in that field. Can we catch up? I don’t know. We have individuals who know chips. But that doesn’t equip them to set up mass production, or design factories or adjust a complex supply chain. We used to be number one in the disciplines to do all that. Now, we’re like 27th.

So, the little lie, part of the laundry list Joe was assigned to read, becomes a big lie. We have to not only be prepared for major market shifts occurring right now, but we also have to already be on the cutting edge. Lies like we are number one in chip manufacturing will make it harder later to do the hard things that must be done to get anywhere near number one. It’s now that much harder to convince local zoning officials, investors and legislators to get rolling, BECAUSE BARRY O’s MOUTHPIECE SAID WE ARE ALREADY NUMBER ONE, and the existing nano chip supply chain is looking dodgy.

At the 10:39 mark, did Barry O have the temerity to have Joe quote Ike? Did he bring up the military/industrial complex and call it a danger? The Regime that allowed Putin to attack Ukraine for the ultimate shiny object? The Regime that drained our arsenal for an excuse to throttle up the military industrial complex almost to a theater war footing? And they are quoting Ike’s warning?

From there he connects that garbage to the Information Industrial Complex (a clumsy term intended to evoke the same fears). This is equally galling in that in all three of his terms B. Hussein, peace be upon him, has used lies and naked propaganda along with legal persecution to shut down opposition. Until Musk upset the applecart, the Left utterly dominated the digital information space. They used it as an arm of the Regime and the DNC. And yet, for years now they have complained about misinformation and disinformation. Joe damn near lost his shit about social networks shutting down “fact” checkers. Which, of course, they are not.[4]

Through it all the Left has been the prime purveyor of both. As we see between every comma in the Joe Duh “We’re still gaslighting you” speech, the Left has gotten to a place where they can’t utter a single honest phrase. I wish I could have heard the exchange between Trump and Obama at Carter’s funeral. It would have been refreshing to hear him utter some simple, spontaneous phrases, if only for a few seconds.

Joe waxed all honest, for a few seconds, while talking about AI. It is a danger. I believe there is only possible arch for the technology. And it WILL be disastrous for humanity. BUT, as I said just a second ago, the Left and this Cabal leaving power right now, were and are fully intent on using technology to the fullest extent to control every aspect of your life and keep themselves in positions of power. It is for this reason that none of them should ever be in a position to exploit AI especially. They are the reason AI is such a terrible danger. The Left has no conscience about wrecking your life.

After his tech talk, Joe goes on a bender about political reforms. Term limits for SCOTUS? He wouldn’t have even thought that if the Left had a majority right now.

Then there was more about people paying their “fair share”. When he or any Lefty can tell me exactly what that number is, we can have a real debate. Otherwise, the phrase is just 80 year old drivel the Left uses to stoke class envy. The panty clad still try to call Trump’s tax cuts, “tax cuts for the rich”. But just a cursory glance at the record will show you that the middle class got the biggest cuts. “Biggest” in this context doesn’t mean much considering how small all the cuts were.

During this part of the speech, Obama’s minions put Joe in a very precarious position. That had Joe say that no president should be immune from prosecution for his actions in office. I realize that this was just another in a dozen parting shots at Trump. But Joe was the titular head of a government that actively smuggled in illegals from all over the world, by plane, on our dime. He and Barry O transported these often diseased, often criminal illegals all over the country, under the cover of darkness, unannounced, on our dime. Every illegal, thus carted about, was a CRIME. How many counts would that be by Alvin Bragg or Jack Smith standards? A few hundred thousand, maybe?

And this was the “administration” that threw the border wide open allowing illegals and fentanyl to pour in. We lost an average of 80k Americans per year to their stupidity and criminal negligence, their depraved indifference. This “administration” WELCOMED all of it.

So, if Joe believes he is not immune, we should test his legal theory, on him, Mayorkas, the border czar and the rest of the Cabal.

I already covered the concentration of wealth nonsense before. But then Joe talks about “dark” money in politics. “People don’t feel they have a fair shot” to participate, their vote doesn’t mean anything.


The Dems, with their massive advantage in sucking up money, as stated before, gave that impression. But this year Trump proved once again, that if you don’t give a shit about the money, you can win even if you are outraised and outspent almost 2 to 1. And it’s beyond hypocritical for any Dem to bitch about it.


It’s too funny that Joe brought up his definition of America. I have had fun with this worn-out line since the 2020 election and posted about it again just a day or two ago. Back then, even with a prompter, Joe said, “America can be defined with one word: Abbatigomager…well anyway”.

But in his “We’re still gaslighting you” speech he got it right! “Possibilites”. And I thank my personal god that he has shared this empty thought with world leaders.

Wow! What classic Biden this speech was! He even got the BS about the “kid with a stutter” in there. Except for the opening greeting and some the closing thanks, there was bullshit between almost every punctuation mark. Let’s not elect anyone like this anymore. Let’s demand that at least 50% of everything they say be the actual truth.

As a side note, it’s interesting to see the Cabal predictably taking a victory lap over the cease-fire. Had the earth shifted on its axis and Kammy won the election, we’d be looking at years more fighting in Gaza. Barack O’Biden has spent every day after 10/7 playing both sides of the fence and making it more difficult for Israel to clean the shit off their doorstep. Even though it was fully anticipated, watching the Cabal take credit for it is still stomach turning.

But that’s okay. Just a couple more days before we see the DC Swamp turned on its head. This is going to be a fun two years. It will, I promise you, be a breath of fresh air. Watching the smug and sanctimonious Lefties in the swamp get more and more anxious has been rather fun. And their angst is only going to increase in coming weeks. You can count on the House voting down their first bill of impeachment by June.

And don’t forget the 65 concept. That’s something we must carry out during these next two years. I’ll leave a link.

[1] You work for us, remember? You worthless bastards

[2] I’m excluding parent to child or friend to friend. Joe Duh’s handlers want them to be licensed and have to run background checks to. Are you starting to see how crazy these people really are? My sons will get my guns. The world can kiss my ass. When you find out I’m dead, you’ll know where my guns are, because I filled out a police state gun background check. And they got my stuff.

[3] If you want me to expound on that put it in the comments and I’ll create a post to prove it. Or you can just read my book, Street Politics

[4] Facebook hasn’t shut down their “fact” checkers yet. I said Greta Thumskull was a script reader and not a climate authority. That’s an absolute truth. And I got fact checked (their words). The beef they had was that my comments ignored the dangers of GW/CC. So, like all “fact” checkers, this one was promoting their own opinion as facts.

Preserving Liberty by Josh Bernstein

Niall Ferguson speech. Don’t miss it:

Are we the Soviets now?

Kiddie porn for kiddies: This is what Lefty school districts insist your kids look at.

Kissinger defending NATO’s eastern expansion.

Vietnam Combat by Robin Bartlett.

Great Cutz info: 17090 Dahlgren Road, King George, Va. 22485. 540-625-2041

“65”, the concept explained.


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"65" concept explained



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