The Political Party Pooper Play Book (P4B)
Party Pooper Podcast
Pre-cheats and rigging the debate
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -19:35

Pre-cheats and rigging the debate

Post Office to play a role again this year.

You are being tenderized, marinated.

The Left is already preparing you for all the ways they’ll be gaming the system this election season.


They’re already denying that illegals will vote this year. But if you have two brain cells to rub together, you know that illegals voting, in big numbers, is a forgone conclusion. Across the country we have motor-voter laws. You register to drive or get just an ID, you can check a box and poof you’re a voter. In Wisconsin it is automatic. You have to look for the box to check in order to OPT OUT! And the Dems can’t get licenses and IDs into the hands of illegals fast enough. It’s the reason these diseased wretches have been brought into this country!

The ballot dumpsters will be deployed. Ballots will be harvested across the country. And that is the funniest one because the Dems even deny the ballot harvesting even exists - then they send out armies of Dem activists to do it.

But what got me cranked up on the issue this week was an article about the post office and YOUR ballot. In order to justify the sloppy, often corrupt handling of ballots, the Post Office is already preempting their part in the scam by warning that mail-in ballots that are postmarked on time for the election may not make it to their respective election offices in time to be counted.

Tip Jar

There is so much wrong with this unsolicited bit of news. First, let’s assume the announcement is totally above board and that the post office is pure and devoid of a single political activist (stupid, I know). And let’s forget about ballots being found in storm drains in 2016, and strewn on the floors of post offices, unattended in 2020. If the postal sercvice is simply saying it can’t do its job and handle the volume, we have a big problem. A few more concerns arise.

  1. Just by virtue of the statement alone, we have a great argument against mass mail-in balloting. Designed for a lazy, gullible populous, its biggest, built-in failure is the sheer volume of mail the system creates. And let’s face it, just on customer service alone, the post office has been getting a pretty bad reputation lately. So flooding every post office in the country with stuff that has to move in a finite window of time, IS a major problem.

    That’s just one reason mail-in should be reserved to absentee balloting only. Military, ex-pats and the truly disabled (that doesn’t include someone with a disabled stick on their car).

  2. Based on the Post Office press release we already know the parties, especially the Dems will be lawyering up early, ready to run to a Lefty judge to say ALL late ballots must be counted, drawing the election out with no clear end date. I mean even the post office said they couldn’t handle the volume back in September, right?!

  3. Postal carriers (we used to call them mailmen - that’s like double or triple entendre in this day and age) are officials tasked with delivering parcels. They are not election officials. We have no recourse against them mishandling ballots. All they have to do is pick them up and not scan them, and they can then disappear without a trace; perhaps down a storm drain.

  4. Now let’s leave the assumption of purity, I allowed earlier, aside. The post office is a union operation. Unions are rife with political activists (to put it mildly) and among political activists are people who will do ANYTHING to see their tribe win, especially if their tribe paid them, per ballot lost, to do it. This is one of the reasons JIMMY CARTER of all people said we MUST NOT have mass mail-in balloting. Along with that reason was the lack of proof of ID, exacerbated by voter rolls that haven’t been purged. And the temptation of ballots sitting around for weeks is too great. There are cheaters in every single endeavor of life. Why give them the opportunity to cheat us here?

If you get a chance, read Falling Empires by James Rosose and Miranda Watson. It’s a very good read. It’s starts out with a scenario where the bad guys are rigging an election. It demonstrates how easy it would be for postal workers to mess with the outcome of an election at least in their area. And since the Empires scenario is coordinated, the process is repeated across the country in key areas.

I am confident, the Post Office press release is propaganda intended to give you something to look back on and say, “No, they just had trouble delivering ballots. They said so earlier. Nobody cheats.” This instead of simply using overtime, something they are very generous with anyway.

In the book, the plot is discovered, involving mail carriers, during the election; but too late to do anything about it. With their track record, we can be assured that one way or another, the piss-poor handling of ballots WILL impact yet another election.

You’ll know the cheating is baked in as soon as you are told you won’t get results the night of the election or even the day after. They will be cheating. Also the phrase “stop the count” will indicate they are cheating.

Add to all the above double scanning (it’s been well-documented, happening thousands of times at one location) and dead people and ex-residents voting and you have the full scam to ponder.

But just by eliminating mail-in voting, we would go a long way in restoring SOME of the integrity of our elections. There is zero integrity now. Whether it is just the lazy, sloppiness of the system, or because of that actual cheating, a sane person CANNOT have any faith whatsoever in the process as it is.

Possible “debate” scandal

On the morning after the “debate”, my co host, Ron and I both registered extreme skepticism about Kammy’s stepford-like performance. After 5 days of extreme handling, she went from the cackling idiot we’ve known since 2018 to a talking points drone, reciting one catchphrase after another, few answers and no truth. Smooth. We weren’t buying it. There was something rotten in Denmark.

I made a joke about Donna Brazile who was sent by CNN to deliver debate questions to BJ Bill’s wife in the 2016 election.

So, we weren’t surprised that somebody at ABC might have a conscience. We are told that Kammy received questions ahead of the debate. One apologists called them just “sample” questions. We’ll watch this story unfold. But we do know the MSM is carrying Kamala. CNN put out a heavily edited “interview” to make her look good, and the moderators, whether she actually got the questions ahead of time or not, coddled Kammy.

But you can now say beyond doubt, that single network debates not under the auspices of the Debate Commission (not that they are great shakes) are to be avoided by politicians and ignored by thinking voters.



Pentagon Spokesman, John Kirby, who loves a camera almost as much as he loves himself, was a political whore since he disgraced his Navy uniform under the B. Hussein White House. Much like KJP (aka, Little Orphan Annie), in his times as Pantagon and State Department face guy, he rarely ever spoke a single word of truth. He was never a spokesman. He has been, since the first time I laid eyes on him, a self-promoting, lying shill.

He’s also a world-class asshole in private, evidently. This week he responded to an email regarding the rout of our forces, under Joe Duh, from Afghanistan. Regarding ciritcism of the debacle, Kirby said it all comes from a “handful of vets, all of one stripe.”

I suppose he felt utterly superior when he hit send, and may have continued to wallow in his wonderfulness if he didn’t find out he had hit reply all in a larger email thread. What a dick.

It IS possible he lives inside the DC bubble so contentedly that he has no clue about what people ACROSS THE ENTIRE COUNTRY think about Abbey Gate and the withdrawal as a whole. People like Kirby really think reality is what they make it and remind us that not ALL men who wear the uniform are heros. Some are shitheels.

Kirby should be fired. That won’t happen. There is NO accountability anywhere in the Executive Branch in this, Obama’s third term. If he had an ounce of integrity, he’d resign. But I just defeated my own assertion in the same sentence.

Getting flimflammed over the bodies of our soldiers.

I just came across this little gem today. I was doing some reaserach for the pervious segment. I mean I didn’t want to call somebody a complete dickhead jagoff without reading up first, right?

AP blindly released Defense Department talking points about the Abbey Gate bombing. It was declared by the DoD to have been an unpreventable suicide bombing. I have heard first-hand testimomy from people ON THE GROUND who said they had the suspected bomber (intel said he was planning something) in the crosshairs but never got clearance to take him out.

The Pantagon says that their own analysis says the man our troops spotted was not the bomber. They claim to have arrived at this conclusion using facial recognition software.

One might accuse me of obstinancy for doubting the Pantagon’s version of the story. That’s fair. But please consider everything I’ve said today prior to this segment.

Further, the real Beltway two-step being performed here is the misdirection. The argument about preventing Abbey Gate isn't about who soptted, or didn't spot, the bad guy. By narrowing the focus to just that dispute, the Pentaqgon is trying to wash its hands of the 13 dead.

Sorry, gang. That dog won’t hunt.

Abbey Gate was set in motion when the Pentagon on the orders of OBAMA, not Joe Duh, start to beat feet to that airport with no viable plan to execute an orderly withdrawal.

The worst, and most idiotic move in this whole exercise was the lack of a theater-wide and orderly collapse of perimiters. I guess the Brass in our present Pentagon were all out sick the day they were teaching military shit in military school.

The second most idiotic move was giving up Bagram. We had a fortified, military position. Citing my previous statement, you collapse your presence through the country in concentric circles. As you leave each step becomes a force multiplier to the circle previously behind it. You tell all allied civilian nationals you’re leaving.1 Climb aboard or piss up a rope. And you move toward Bagram.

By keeping a no man’s land in your front, you have time to move civilians and supplies out, then move your troops and finally, your security out under intense air cover. Hell, we should still be sitting our fat asses in Bagram today!

Kammy on TV!

I was just about to hit “save” when I heard that Kammy sat down with a reporter in Philly and gave an interview. I jumped onto YouTube to catch the fiasco.

My god! I could write a book on that eleven minutes. Asked for details about her “Opportunity Economy”, she spend 2 1/2 minutes just getting to an economic point. Read my article “Kamalanomics” here. Only brainless socialists don’t understand what the only OPPORTUNITY economy is. Kammy is clueless. Out of one side of her face she speaks of an opportunity economy, then speaks of getting the government further involved in the private economy. Incredible.

She also talked about buying votes with loans to small business. Kammy, sweetie, we already have that. It’s called the Small Business Administration (SBA). And they trip over themselves pissing money on businesses, good or bad because they are owned my women, or blacks, or disabled, or whatever flavor of American you divide us into. Combinations of flavors get LOTS of money from the government already. So, babe, you’re about 30 years late on that bit of your political whoring.

Stay focused… or get focused, whatever the case may be.

Consider everything I’ve said today. All this is woven into the very fabric of the top of the Democrat Party and the bureaucrats of the permanent governing class. They refuse to hear you or see you.

I am not telling you anything new. Take the time to browse my stuff (and that of others). I know I’m not pretty. I am admittedly “pedestrian”. But I also didn’t come down with the last drop of rain. Most of my observations are proven correct, and my predictions almost always come true. I give you Davos, the jab, tapping the SPR, how social distancing was a bullshit, random number, etc…

If the people we discuss here today are in power in 2025, they will put into play all the things you are being specifically told they will NOT put into play. Guns, illegals, crime, socialism…all those things will be front and center. Denying your rights in all these areas and more will be the very essence of a Harris “Administration”, directed by the Obama Cabal.

We have strayed so far from the genius of the Constitution, we hardly have the right to call ourselves the United States of America as established by that document. Every year, the road back gets longer. And we haven't even endeavored to start back down that road. We must start NOW before that road is gone.

Orwell was a god!

And remember: The wolf never loses sleep over the opinions of sheep.

Footnotes below links


"65" concept explained




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The asshats runiing this circus didn’t even bother to coordinate with allied nations in the decision to quick-step everybody to the airport.

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