The Political Party Pooper Play Book (P4B)
Party Pooper Podcast
The Wuhan Flu Inspires Questions
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The Wuhan Flu Inspires Questions

Four year-old abuses linger.

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I am sitting around the undisclosed location today reading about COVID. I have nothing better to do, I’m stuck here because I have COVID.

Symptoms? Meh, not too bad. Very slight fever, mild chest cold symptoms and I can’t taste my coffee. That last one kinda sucks ass.

But I decided to research a question. It’s born of the fact that I haven’t gotten a jab since I was forced to by my health care providers in 2021. No vax, NO SOUP FOR YOU!

So, like millions of other jackasses, I lined up for the “vaccination” that WE ALL KNEW hadn’t been clinically tested and was released as an emergency measure.

Did they use the emergency vax in the way you are supposed to use an emergency medical protocol? Of course not. If you have something that is not properly tested, but believe it will work, you give it to the people in the greatest and gravest need. For example, you have a new, untested lung cancer treatment. Theoretically, it SHOULD have good efficacy. Do you start using it by giving it to everyone who has a slight shadow in their chest xray? No! If you use it at all, you provide it to patients who are stage four, in grave danger and have exhausted all other known options. You hope for the best and, win or lose, you document the results.


If your new treatment has good outcomes (even if patient zero dies from the previous ravages of their cancer, but YOUR application reduced the cancer itself) then you expand out - a little.

In the case of an emergency vaccine, tested VERY short term on a handful of people, you first and ONLY give it to those in the greatest danger from the infection you are fighting. In the case of COVID, we knew almost a year before the vax was released that the GROUND ZERO victims were the elderly and the obese and people with a few comorbidities.

They were dying! For them it was an emergency. We needed to see if we could stem the infection AMONG THEM, and at the same time watch for side effects. For the rest of us, with vanishingly few exceptions, this was not an emergency. They knew that long before the vaccine was released.

But the government, especially HHS and the NIH had cronies to pay off and royalties to collect. So, everybody into the pool! The federal government (that means you) is paying for it all! Get your jab or we’ll ruin your life! It’s for the greater good.

Through all this, going back to before the release of the “emergency” vax, they knew it would not stop the spread of the disease or fully prevent death for those who got the virus after being vaccinated. More on that in a minute.

The greatest crime was giving the crap to kids. Along with isolating them in a criminally unnatural way and masking them. There was another thing we knew by April of 2020; the kids were not prone to the virus and were lousy vectors for it. They’re lives should have never skipped a beat. And they damn sure didn’t need the jab.

Do you know why they insisted on kids getting it? Here’s my considerable opinion: Because if kids didn’t get it, some fat, stupid adults would have cried about how unfair that was. Why do I have to get it, but those kids don’t? You’re fat shaming me! Or… You’re discriminating against old people! Waaaaaaah!

Plus, if there were a segment of the population that wasn’t a focus of false panic, others would have asked legitimate questions. This might have led to corporate cronies of the NIH NOT getting as many billions of dollars for the “vaccine” that they might have.

I said earlier that we knew the Wuhan shot didn’t fully prevent death from the virus. We believe it has had some effect. But unless another country has kept good records, we’ll never know how effective it was in preventing spread and death. Because any good news would have caused normal people under the age of 70 to think twice about the jab, or getting boosted.

During the height of the testing and reporting stage, the Department of Health and Human Services instructed hospitals to stop including in their reporting their recovery rates; those who had COVID and got well. Likewise, shortly after the first batches of data, post vaccine data arrived, providers were told to stop reporting the vax status of patience who then died of COVID. Naturally, this means we don’t know the vax status of those who died of COVID from that time forward.

The government and their cronies just wanted to talk about “cases”.1 How many people had COVID or presented with symptoms of COVID whether they were tested or not; whether they actually had the virus or not. Just get us big, fat numbers to report so we can continue to sound the klaxon and keep the suckers lining up. Gotta pay the cronies! Gotta collect those royalties!

As late as March of THIS YEAR the government is still touting the hell out of getting boosted. Biden’s been boosted to the moon. He’s had the Wuhan several times2.


Here’s the article I found on the subject. They’re telling people they should get boosted as early as 3 months after beating COVID! That is a load of shit! I had the Chinese Crud 3 1/2 years ago. I didn’t get it again until now. I’m sure I’ve been exposed many times since. And this dose is pretty minor. I’m still writing and rebuilding that goddam lawnmower. The January ‘21 episode wouldn’t have allowed for either. I was going from chair to chair for three or four days back then.

But the big question I had, the reason I was looking at these articles, was this. What would happen to you if you had COVID, didn’t know it and got the vax? Here, things get pretty basic. They say, as the link points out, that the vaccine wouldn’t help you get over the virus if you already have it. That makes sense. A flu shot won’t help you if you have a flu.

But there is a much more important point to the question. What would happen to a young person who was carrying a hefty viral load of COVID and was pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic? How many of the kids and young adults who have heart damage got the vax or the booster for no reason at all (remember, they weren’t in danger from the virus) who had COVID in their system?

What are the side effects in such a situation? Is that when the crazy, untested technology goes all Frankenstein inside their bodies and starts fucking with organs? We cannot know. We should know. People should have been tested before getting the vax, when it was a non-emergency for the general public so they could avoid the possible dangers of getting a vax for a virus they already had in them. We then would have had more data points to study.

But, NO! As I said, they don’t want data points. They want to keep sticking needles in people. Millions of people! It’s good money!

I know there are many listening or reading this right now and saying, “Well, yeah, they may have jumped the gun early on, but we know everything the vax does, right? I mean, millions of people have gotten the jab.”

The answer is no. Do you remember what I said earlier about reporting? I don’t know who has the critical data on file, much has probably not even been collected because the government told them to stop reporting it. Reporting and compliance costs money. Very few hospitals and clinics are going to pay someone to curate information that isn’t required by the government or insurance companies.

A brilliant researcher might find a hospital or few doc-in-the-box facilities who have kept meticulous records of who has actually been vaccinated, then got COVID and then lived or died. Some might even have information on who got the jab only to find out they were already infected. I would call that a Mayor Pete Bootyjuice for VP long-shot.

Because so much information was intentionally spurned and suppressed, we can’t even call hundreds of millions of jabs a decent clinical study. NIH and HHS haven’t a clue what the vaccine is doing specifically to ANYONE. It’s been a cluster fuck from day one. We don’t know the REAL effects of any of this and they are STILL telling everyone to keep getting BOOSTED!!!

I’ll close with this. If you lost an older parent or grandparent during the shutdown scams my heart breaks for you and for them. If you still have a grandparent or older parent, think about this.

Anthony Fauci was against a mask mandate before he was for it. And he was very clear why he initially opposed it. Most people required to wear a mask for long periods almost immediately defeat the purpose of the mask which has only limited effectiveness anyway. The wearer, professional of not, especially men, tend to fidget constantly with the mask. Fauci cited a study proving that.

Throughout the mask mandate scam, I saw people in several medical facilities wearing the mask under their noses. Or even just against their chins. you could actually see their lips above it. I’m talking staff here.

Now consider the effectiveness of the paper masks or the fashionable cloth masks that became a cottages industry. Both, after just 20 minutes of wear by the wearer, become warm, moist petri dishes, supporting ANYTHING the wearer has been exposed to PLUS anything he’s already carrying.

As a side note, if you want to see what a cloth mask does to your exhalations, first turn on a faucet. Then hit the spray button or switch your tub faucet to shower. That’s what a cloth mask does to what you are breathing out. I’ve smelled hoagie breath on people wearing these masks. Translation? Masks are a very short-term precaution in the very best of circumstances, and of very limited effectiveness.

Now think of a dying parent or grandparent in a hospital or hospice while the isolation scam was going on. An old woman fading into renal failure or heart failure (still alert but fading) sits alone in a bed. Her kids and grand kids have been barred from the facility. In some cases there are touching scenes of the family gathering in the parking lot below her window. If she is strong enough they move her to the window to wave to them all.

And who moves her. That’s right! The nurse or assistant or orderly, possibly wearing their stupid mask under their goddamn nose. Where was the staff last night?

Well, some might have been at Home Depot, or at home, or some place the government said they could be - COLLECTING WHATEVER COVID HAPPENED TO BE IN THOSE PLACES!!!! Then they brought this back to the medical facility at the beginning of EVERY GODDAMN SHIFT! But YOU couldn’t see your mother or father in the weeks or months before they passed. You were told it was for the greater good.

Now, you know that’s horseshit!

Footnotes below links



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With the dawn of the Wuhan Virus era, a case was anyone who tested positive for COVID or presented in an emergency room with COVID-like symptoms. Normally a “case” was anyone who then entered treatment for that specific malady. But with COVID, that wasn’t the definition. All you had to do was test positive, symptoms or not, treated or not, and you were a “CASE”. A high honor indeed!


Biden didn’t have the Wuhan. He fled the scene to write his swan song. Nancy delivered the expected coup de grace the following Sunday (quit the race or we will…), and suddenly Joe was all better…but out of a job.

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