I have a serious question for you. If you are already a normal person, ask this of the lesser wits around you. How did blind, tribal credulity become a point of pride; something to be pursued with passion?
Because that is what the Left has been living on for two decades now. And every day it becomes a little more ridiculous, and a little more dangerous, and a little more effective. That’s your fault. You haven’t fought back enough.
I’m not going to pull any punches today. Tucker Carlson was right when he said we NEED to hold these people (Lefty bullshit generators) up to ridicule. It is an obligation. We have the Lefty BS coming at us through a fire hose. It is incumbent upon us, all of us, to call it out when we see it.
Why did Obama do this?
Why would Barry O and his minions first anoint a socialist idiot to run on the Dem ticket, then pick another socialist idiot as her running mate. All this is especially odd considering the fact that Minnesota is already in the bag. There are enough Hijabtowns and Little Kabuls that the state WILL vote Dem. But they still went with Tampon Tim. They need Pennsylvania, or so the calculation would seem. Why not Shapiro?
We’ll leave aside that Shapiro, along with Schumer and Raskin and many others are Jews have subjugated their heritage and/or religion to serve the cause of socialism and their antisemitic party. There’s more going on here.
You can bet that Kamala was intimidated by Shapiro.1 He’s the white Obama. His intentional impersonation of Barry O is spot on. And he’s intelligent, which Harris is surely not.
But there’s more to it than even that. She didn’t pick the VP. The cabal did. It’s the same cabal which, supported by the MSM for five years, lied to us about Joe Duh having more than Jello in his head. It’s the same cabal that arranged Joe’s exit. It’s the same cabal now instructing the media to lie about Kamala.
Hell, just a month ago there were whispers among the chattering class that Joe must go. But then who do we get? They would ask. It certainly can’t be Kamal, they said. She’s too stupid. Nobody likes her. But then orders came down from the cabal “It’s Kamala,” and a star was born. Harris went from being the most embarrassing VP ever, even beating Joe, hated by her own staff, to being the savior of the universe.
And it was done by fiat. They knew it would be panned in most places. They knew it was dirty pool. They knew most of the sycophant talking heads would throw up in their mouths a little bit while parroting their lines. They did it anyway.
James Carville, a man I dislike intensely but respect as an old school politician had suggested a perfectly logical solution to the Joe Duh question: Have a mini-primary. Invite and encourage the best prospects to step forward and throw their names in the hat. Do perhaps two big events, including the convention and a bunch of virtual townhalls.
The beauty of that for whoever would have won was that THEIR honeymoon phase would have started just before early voting started. It was a sure win and the most honest and democratic approach they could have possibly arranged.
But there would be a big problem there. If they had been honest and open, they risked losing their last puppet. The Cacklin’ Hyena.
After all this, they doubled down with the pick of Tampon Tim. This guy doesn’t need to be handled. He’s a hardcore socialist freak. He presents no balance. He’s from a sure win state. He got married in China on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre (you can bet the CCP loved that). He took students to the workers paradise every summer for indoctrination for 10 years. The CCP spotted him early and groomed him thoroughly.
He's a walking bullshit story and his wife is the Imelda Marcos of the Midwest. She reveled in the riots that tore up her own state after the Floyd died. She celebrated the looting of small businesses and the burning of private property and POLICE STATIONS!
And yet, they chose him. Why?
I would submit, and most of the time I am proven right about these things, the cabal already believes they have the election locked up. They don’t need to please voters. They just need their playthings in the playpen, ready to be used.
Most of the key states have defied purging their voter roles of dead people or people who have moved out of the states. They have ballot dumpsters ready to go. They have early voting starting before the honeymoon period ends (they hope) and they will have millions of illegals voting this year. They believe the fix is in. For the cabal, real electioneering, something they resent having to do anyway, is OVER.
And when the returns come in, miracle of miracles, Kamala will be more popular than Joe Duh, who we are to believe was more popular than B. Hussein Obama, peace be upon him.
What I’m saying is they are getting very good at what they’ve been doing since 2008. And they think they have it all down to a science. And not a minute of this was not planned over a year ago. Hell, Kamala’s custom campaign bus, we are to believe, was painted and ready in 24 hours. Of course it wasn’t. It was customized months ago. But they couldn’t throw Joe under it too early. They needed the “emergency” atmosphere to build. Then it was just a question of Nancy, Barack and Chuck wearing down and finishing off old Joe. Be a good boy and walk away Joe, or we’ll hit you with the 25th amendment, the dirty foreign money and the kitchen sink all at once.
And they might be right. The chicanery may be too much to overcome. But there is no excuse for not fighting anyway. The GOP and their voters need to get in the game at ten times the rate we have been. We need to get out the vote AND THEN BLOODY VOTE. None of this pussy Oh, it won’t make a difference bullshit I hear every election.
And the most important thing to remember is the CONCEPT OF 65. Do that not, and it really won’t make a difference. We need to raise what used to be these the United States of America from the ash heap.
Don’t walk among the schmucks I mentioned at the opening. Be the normal adult in the sea of childish, gender bending, green scam, nanny state loving suckers. Lead them to adulthood by your example. Be a part of the solution.
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Shapiro will be the next Dem nominee regardless of how Kamala does in this election. By the end of a possible Harris term she will be tossed aside as Joe was.
They think the election is in the bag.