The Political Party Pooper Play Book (P4B)
Party Pooper Podcast
Weak men, Vapid Women and the Cabal
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -25:46

Weak men, Vapid Women and the Cabal

The Democratic Party 2008-2024

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The Democrat Party is in court of late in the People’s Republic of Wisconsin.  WI is governed by Tony Evers, a fine example of a weak “man” if ever there was one.  More on that concept in the my next P4B solo..  But he has no problem with the twisted tactics of his party using the courts in a Stalinist fashion to advance the power of his party.  You see - weak people, lacking real ideas and real goals, always need an angle to keep themselves ensconced in positions of power.

The Dems are arguing that to be on the ballot in their soviet ghetto, you must be a Republican or a Democrat.  There is so much wrong here, and so much that points to their weakling approach to politics.  The Dems know they have a numerical advantage over the GOP.  They have the additional benefit of probably tens of thousands of illegals - perhaps over 100k, many of whom will vote ILLEGALLY in this years election. And they intend to corner the market on dead people and people who have moved out of the state still on the voter rolls. 

There can be NO reason to keep these people on the rolls, when the discrepancy has been pointed out, other than to distribute those names and addresses to operatives who will create thousands of bogus ballots and stuff them in ballot dumpsters.   They will, I guarantee you, count those ballots.  We wouldn’t want to disenfranchise all those dead people and people now legitimately voting in Florida or Tennessee, would you?

But with all these advantages, The Donald and the GOP are still polling so strongly that weaklings like Evers need to use the court system to put challengers off the ballot.

These are the corrupt concepts our founders warned us about.   John Adams said, “There is nothing which I dread so much as the division of the Republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other.  This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”   

This lunacy we’re witnessing in Wisconsin, is just the latest in well over a century of binary choice politics in the US.  Such a practice limits the power and thinking to basically three entities in central governance: the president (in Biden’s case the Cabal), the Senate leadership and House leadership.  In politics, it’s limited to the elites in each party.  That’s it.  That’s your pool of thought.  And all of it, by its compact nature, is easily bought off by cronies across the economy.  And so it is, 100% of the time.  And now Wisconsin wants a judge to be a world class asshole and pronounce that only Republicans and Democrats have a right to seek office.

The commissars in Wisconsin are counting on the people being so ignorant and lazy that most will not bat an eyelash at the idea of limiting ballot access to the two “real” parties.  There have been dozens of times that the Center and Right should have risen up, perhaps even in an extreme way, the stop injustices of the permanent governing class.  This is definitely one of those times.  I have said many times in this podcast of the political elites, “THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU!”  Party Dems and Party GOP elites care about personal gain first, party second, then cronies.  YOU, and your nation, come in a distant last. 

Change that.  Join the Election Integrity Network (EIN) at  I am now a member.  Become a poll watcher or worker.  Set up a grass roots event in your town or state capitol.  Tell the political class you are not going to put up with their shit anymore.  OR, if you really want to make a change, run for office…with an attitude.

None of the corruption stops until YOU stop it.


The Kennedy Cutoff

As we discuss this next gem, keep in mind that the online commentator shows now out-perform the major networks on a regular basis.  They are now a bigger megaphone.  Megyn Kelly daily trounces all but CNN’s biggest shows.  They all have huge staffs of writers and producers, she has six people.  The “bigs” are all made bitches to their advertisers.  Kelly and Carlson and Rogan can (and I am sure they have) told balky advertisers to kiss their asses.

Such is the nature of the TV news many of you still watch.  None of them are there to inform you.  FOX and Newsmax are in the bag for conservatives. With FOX it’s not to the extent they used to be, but mostly.  The rest are active PR firms for Obama’s puppets, Big Pharma and other political cronies.

So, it won’t surprise you that what you are told is a news network avoids real news every day.  That was especially evident last Friday.

RFK, Jr., like him or not has been an up and down influence on this presidential cycle.  He is not afraid of controversy and is of his own mind.  When Biden was coldly shitcanned and Kammy handed the nomination (not one vote in favor), pollsters were daily calculating the influence of the RFK effect.  Will he help Trump?  Will he help Kamala?  It was news.  People were definitely interested in the possible outcomes.

So, when Bobby announced the suspension of his campaign, that was absolutely news-worthy, certainly more news-worthy than any of the canned shit Kammy has been doing for the last 42 days.  But as soon as RFK announced his endorsement of DJT, CNN cut away.

They are deathly afraid of what he was about to say; a concise and compelling reason for his endorsement, and why Trump is better for the country than the Cacklin’ Hyena.  They feared his explanation of why he left the hollow shell of what was his father’s and uncle’s party.  And CNN is certainly not a news organization.  Not for a decade now.  If you were watching CNN at the time, you were denied the first-hand reasoning at the center of the biggest news story of the month.  You were denied information.  And THAT is the primary job of CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, PBS, and the three old networks…to deny you information.

The Kammy Circus

I can see it now.

[Dana Bash shaking her head] Would you like to try that one again, this time without the Ven diagrams?

The recorded and edited Kamala “interview” CNN had the gall to treat seriously is now history.  And the nation is 10% stupider than it was prior to.  Even by Dem standards there were few, if any, high points to taut.  There were several lows and some very informative flubs.

For example, Kamala got stuck in a thought loop centering on Rx savings, specifically insulin for some reason.  While Dana Bash pushed ever so gently to get more meat on the concept of curbing inflation and “bringing costs down”, Kammy kept tripping over insulin.  The problem for the Dems are significant here.  The program UNDER WHICH the insulin question falls is a Trump initiative.  Obama simply ordered Biden to co-opt it and claim credit for it.  It shows that Trump was smart and Biden/Harris stupid and corrupt.

Further it reminded me that the savings on insulin was how the Biden Administration said the Inflation Reduction Act was fighting inflation.  By now the world knows that the Inflation Reduction Act was the third major contribution to inflation from the Biden years.  It was a green scam.  And, like that knob Al Gore did in ’22 at Davos, Harris pointed out that the IRA was a Green Scam, not an exercise in sound economics.  Don’t take my word for it.  Check the video or transcript.

There was a comical moment when Bash was trying to get an HONEST answer about fracking (a fruitless effort). Kamala simply surrounded her responses with empty phrases, struggling desperately to come up with some kind of answer, each time ending with, “My values haven’t changed.” With each effort it was more apparent on this subject and several more, the woman lacks a value system altogether.

But the funny part was (and this was the third try) Bash asked specifically what information - what data - did Harris see or read to change her position on fracking. The camera was close up. A beat of two get skipped. [uncomfortable blink] You could see the mind going utterly blank. The surrender was total. “My values haven’t changed.”

And I checked the record on this point. Kamala repeated a lie about her debate responses on this subject at least twice to Bash. Throughout 2019 and previously, Harris said in strong, certain terms that she is against fracking and as president she’d end it. To Bash she repeatedly claimed to have CLEARLY SUPPORTED FRACKING ON THE DEBATE STAGE IN 2020.

Well, her own campaign crashed and burned in late 2019. In a VP debate with Pence she said, “Joe Biden will not ban fracking.” She said NOTHING in the debate that indicated a shift in her position. She knows this. She knew she was lying to Bash and the audience.

So why would you believe her now?


Forgive me this small tangent.

When Obama was rising in the polls in 2008, many said this guy is just a socialist from Chicago, being carried by the party. He has no clue about how the real world works and only the worst of political philosophy. Everyone who said that, including your handsome author, was called a racist. The rest of the world was told that Obama was a level-headed, moderate guy. Even Joe Duh chimed in (prepare to cringe) saying he was one of a few clean articulate black guys.

Then Obama was elected, “the seas stopped rising” and the permanent Cabal was born. Upon taking office he declared on several fronts, “Mercy me! It’s all worse than we thought!” It was practically a mantra. And from that day forward all the moderate, unifying, level-headed, non-socialist bullshit went right out the window. He even sent guns illegally into Mexico so he could make the case that Mexico was getting guns form the USA, to prove the gun situation was worse than we thought. (I swear you can’t make this stuff up.)

Back to the present day.

And so it shall be with Queen Kammy. On taxes, on fracking, on the border, on medicare for all, and on and on, it will all be “worse than we thought”. Or some other phrase will be employed. But as sure as I am sitting here talking to you right now, this lying, conniving, spoiled, carried political clown WILL re-reverse herself on everything she’s stealing from the Trump campaign right now. If you are stupid enough to fall for it, then you deserve EVERYTHING the Cabal has in store for you. But your fellow citizens don’t.

The lowest point in the canned interview, in which Kammy and Tampon Tim had notes (??) was when Harris tried to blame the last four years of failure on Covid.  This wretched, vile creature, who we are told is all about the “joy”, resurrected the old saw about Trump and Covid.  She dredged up the filth Dems used before, blaming Trump for deaths during Covid.

Oops, tangent number 2

It’s time, once again for History with the P4B. In January of 2020, we started hearing about something weird going on in China.  By then, the government was pretty sure there was a nasty virus about to hit our shores.  Trump was already pulling together the means to produce a vaccine.  The initial reaction of the Dems was to accuse Trump of sensationalizing a virus for political purposes. (Normally I try to separate out the term Dem or Democrat from the Left.  I often have to correct myself mid-sentence. But in this case, the party - the elite and the rank and file - jumped on every bit of shit the elites dumped on Trump.)

During the following February Nancy Pelois was saying “come to Chinatown” as infected people were pouring in, returning from Tet.  Bill DeBlasio (real name Warren Wilhelm) was telling people to pile back onto the subway. 

By March, the Dems realized there was a problem.  They started to huddle to see how they could use Covid to their advantage, fearing that action by Trump might be good his campaign.  That didn’t stop them from calling Trump a racist for shutting down travel from China, then Asia, then around the world to reduce the number of cases coming here.  The sycophant media ran stories of sad people denied their flight the US because of big, bad, mean Orange Man.

Meanwhile, Trump was making leaps on the vaccine issue and calling for the wartime production laws to speed it up.  This too, was ballyhooed among Dems.

Joe was still out to lunch as late as March.  I am sure he got the memo.  He just didn’t read it.  I listened live in mid-March when Joe Duh called Trump a xenophobe for stopping travel from Europe saying, “that’s no way to treat your allies.”

By late March the Dems had their plan, a complete takeover of…well…everything.  Schools started to get shutdown (even though all the evidence said kids were not in danger and were lousy vectors of the virus.  Yes, we knew that already.).  Soon, the Left was calling for a total shutdown.  Trump was resisting.  The Left then opened up all guns on him for not following the science.  They did so every time he questioned the “wisdom” of Fauci and Birx (who turned out to be wrong on everything and in Fauci’s case, complicit in the actual pandemic). 

As the fatality numbers rose, the people who were doing NOTHING other than throwing spitballs at Trump decided to be truly low-life shits and started saying people were dying BECAUSE of Trump’s policies, even though he continued to give in, against his better judgement to their useless “fixes”. 

By may Trump was saying he’d have a vaccine in less than 18 months.  The Dems laughed out loud!  You can’t pull that off in less then 3 years, maybe 5!  Trump was blowing it out his ass to get re-elected. 

Trump left the on-the-ground handling to the states. Almost all of them opted for a bunker and mask mentality.  Trump warned against extended shutdowns for two reasons:  It would destroy the economy and it would take longer for the population to build immunity.  Again, he was labeled by Dems and some Rinos as the worst man in the world for even suggesting people come out of their holes and ride it out.  He would be proven right again.  And fanatical Dem governors, mostly at the direction of Union thugs, kept their schools closed for up to two years.

By late fall Trump had two vaccines and one soon to follow.  The efficacy rate was touted as 65%.  That received no support from the public, so by December all vaccines were declared 95% effective or better. Magic!

Let me travel further aside here for just a moment.  I don’t think even Trump knew, at this point, the reason he did get a vax so quickly.  That fact is that Fauci’s people in Wuhan already had patented a few versions of a Covid 19 vaccine 18 months before patient zero carried the Red Death out of Fauci’s lab.

Back to the Dems and why Harris was such a low-life shit to talk about people “dying because of Trump’s mismanagement” of the Covid crisis.

In the run up to the election as Trump was working out the distribution of the jabs, Biden and Harris BOTH said that if the jab comes from Trump, they won’t take it.  Consider, if you believe in the vaccines, as many do, the damage done by those statements.  Then consider that those two were the first to get the jab, doing so in TV because they just got elected and the power to inflict the vaccines on the public fell to them.

The fact is Trump did HIS job right with respect to Covid.  ALL the Dems did was interfere and criticize without reason.  And the vaccine did turn out to be almost worthless, perhaps doing something for the elderly and the obese, but because so much data was refused by Fauci and HHS, we’ll never know if even that is true.

There was much more to the lunacy of the Left during Covid.  You can find it searching the term “mask hysteria” on this Substack, or just browsing my 2020-21 essays.  The point of this tangent was to demonstrate the kind of lying, ugly person Kamala Harris truly is for once again laying the deaths Fauci caused at the feet of Donald Trump.  Of all the negative things one might say about Trump, this one is the least true, the most vindictive, and the one that demonstrates the worst about the speaker.

Back to the fake interview.

There is much more to say about the “interview” of Kammy and Tampon Tim.  But I need to move on.  Suffice it to say, the first time she has a real interview, without a cheat sheet we’ll once again see her ineptitude. It is conceivable the campaign will remain cloistered from any real scrutiny. The MSM is almost devoid of professional curiosity and the courage to challenge even an obvious failure. They WILL continue to carry her, at least until she has a Biden moment. That is what the MSM is trying to prevent.

That’s a wrap for now. We’re still gunning to get Rodger Friedmen back for next Friday. Subscribe, for free, so you don’t miss anything, Finally, we are working to get a HUGE guest in. I know Rodger Friedman is huge, but this one is huger. It will happen in the next few weeks. Stay tuned. In the meantime, be well. Be Strong. If you’re not registered to vote - fix that! And then goddamn vote! And remember, the WOLF never loses sleep over the opinions of SHEEP.

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